Aitor Iribar Lopez

Reading seminar on the geometry of the moduli space of polarized abelian varieties and its compactifications

The goal of this seminar would be to:

  1. Review the moduli of abelian varieties and how they degenerate
  2. Understand the construction of its toroidal compactifications, using inputs from tropical and logarithmic geometry
  3. Study different topics that arise naturally:intersection theory on these moduli spaces, the compactification interesting loci from $\mathcal {A}_g$, logarithmic abelian varieties and some arithmetic side of the whole story.

The lectures will be held on Wednesdays, mostly from 13:30 to 15:00 in the Hermann Weyl room HG G 43, and we invite everyone to join, wether they give a lecture or not.

We will be recording the lectures and invite the speakers to write down some extended notes from the talk to include everything in a final document.

The schedule so far is the following

Lecture Date Time Room Topic Lecturer Abstract Notes Recording
1 18th Sept 13:30 F26.1. Complex abelian varieties and their moduli Aitor Iribar Lopez . notes .
. . . . no lecture on the week of 23-27 Sept . . . .
2 2nd Oct 13:30 Y17 H46 (U. Zurich) Toroidal compactifications and their cone stacks Jeremy Feusi . notes video
3 9th Oct 13:30 HG G43 Tropical abelian varieties and their moduli Johannes Schmitt . notes video
4 16th Oct 13:30 HG G43 Degenerating abelian varieties Samir Canning . . .
5 23rd Oct 13:30 HG G43 The toroidal compactifications of $\mathcal{A}_g$ Aitor Iribar Lopez . notes .
6 30th Oct 13:30 HG G43 The Torelli morphism and its extension to $\overline{\mathcal {M}}_g$ Lycka Drakengren . . .
7 6th Nov 13:30 HG G43 tbd tbd . . .
8 13th Nov 13:30 HG G43 tbd tbd . . .
9 20th Nov tbd tbd tbd tbd . . .
10 27th Nov 14:30 Zoom!! With watching party at HG E23 Fourier-Mukai transforms on compactified Jacobians Younghan Bae (U. Michigan) . notes video
11 4th Dec 13:30 HG G43 Introduction to Logarithmic abelian varieties Jeremy Feusi . notes .
12 11th Dec 13:30 HG G43 Logarithmic abelian varieties Pim Spelier . . .
13 19th Feb 13:30 HG G43 Intersection theory on $\mathcal{A}_g$ and $\lambda_k$-pairings Aitor Iribar Lopez . notes .
13 26th Feb 13:30 HG G43 Picewise polynomials and logarithmic tautological rings Johannes Schmitt . notes exercises .
13 10th Mar 15:00 Zoom!! HG G19.2 Aaron Pixton . . .
13 26th Mar 13:30 HG G 43 Symplectic geometry on $\mathcal{A}_g$ Jeremy Feusi . . .

Link to the overleaf project with extended notes:

Some topics that we are considering and don't have a lecturer are:

We want to invite some experts from outside ETH to talk about some of them.


General references: