Jean-Philippe Chassé

[ they / he ]

Postdoctoral researcher in symplectic topology
at ETH Zürich


  • Local exactness of nearby Lagrangians and rationality conditions. IMJ-PRG's Séminaire Géométrie et Topologie (February 2025)
  • Towards the Lagrangian C^0 flux conjecture. ULB geometry seminar (January 2025)
  • Nearby Lagrangians and local exactness. Bonn symplectic geometry seminar (January 2025)
  • La géométrie métrique de l'espace des lagrangiennes avec des bornes riemanniennes. Séminaire de Géométrie et de Topologie de Toulouse (May 2024)
  • Proof of the main theorem, part I (part of a week-long school on the theory of flow categories as developped by M. Abouzaid and A. Blumberg). Homotopy Floer Theory Spring School (May 2024)
  • The metric geometry of geometrically bounded Lagrangians. ETH Zürich's Symplectic Geometry Seminar (March 2024)
  • Metric geometry and geometrically bounded Lagrangian submanifolds. Montreal's Symplectic Seminar (March 2024): beamer
  • Bordism spectral sequence (part 2 of a 4-part minicourse on bordisms). Floer Homotopy Theory (ANR COSY Meeting) (January 2024)
  • Metric Lagrangian topology. Cambridge's Junior Geometry Seminar (March 2023)
  • The behavior of Hausdorff-converging sequences of Lagrangian submanifolds. Symplectix Paris (December 2022)
  • Sequences of Lagrangian submanifolds respecting uniform Riemannian bounds and their limits in various metrics. ETH Zürich's Symplectic geometry seminar (November 2022)
  • Dans les petites sphères, les meilleurs plongements. Club mathématique de l'Université de Montréal (March 2022): beamer.(fr)
  • Convergence and Riemannian bounds on Lagrangian submanifolds. Symplectic Zoominar (CRM-Montréal, Princeton/IAS, Tel Aviv, and Paris) (October 2021): beamer
  • Ellipsoïdes et escaliers infinis. 23rd ISM Graduate Student Conference (May 2021): beamer.(fr)
  • Une histoire de ficelles et de clous. Club mathématique de l'Université de Montréal (March 2021): beamer.(fr)
  • The impact of metric constraints on the behavior of shadow metrics. CMS Winter Meeting (December 2020): beamer
  • The topology of Lagrangian submanifolds calibrated by curvature. CIRGET's Symplectic Seminar (February 2020)
  • Comment distinguer deux espaces?. Séminaire étudiant de mathématiques (April 2019): beamer.(fr)
  • Du dernier théorème géométrique de Poincaré à la conjecture de Arnol'd. 21st ISM Graduate Student Conference (May 2018)
  • La topologie algébrique à la rescousse de l’analyse de données. SAPhARI (March 2018): beamer.(fr)
  • Brève excursion dans le monde des courbes remplissantes. SUMM (January 2018): beamer.(fr)
  • Introduction à la topologie (algébrique). Séminaire étudiant de mathématiques (November 2017)
  • Finite Groups in Physics - Groupes finis en physique. CUMC (July 2017): beamer
  • Introduction à la formalisation de la mécanique classique. Séminaire d'été des stagiaires en physique (June 2017): beamer.(fr)
  • Sandwich et topologie algébrique. SUMM (January 2017)


  • Comment (ne pas) accrocher un cadre. SUMM (January 2019): pdf.(fr)

Participation in conferences and summer schools

  • CAST 2025. Institut Fourier, Grenoble (February 2025)
  • From Hamiltonian Dynamics to Symplectic Topology and Beyond. IHP, Paris (June 2024)
  • Floer Homotopy Theory Spring School. Grand-Varennes, Sens (April-May 2024)
  • CAST 2024. RUB, Bochum (February 2024)
  • Floer Homotopy Theory (ANR COSY Meeting). IRMA, Strasburg (January 2024)
  • SFT10 Workshop (including precourse). HU Berlin, Berlin (August 2023)
  • From smooth to C^0 symplectic geometry: topological aspects and dynamical implications. CIRM, Marseille (July 2023)
  • LP-60: Geometry and Dynamics. ETH Zürich, Zurich (June 2023)
  • Séminaire de mathématiques supérieures: Floer homotopy theory. University of British Columbia, Vancouver (July 2022)
  • Frontiers of quantitative symplectic and contact geometry. Institut Mittag- Leffler, Djursholm (June 2022)
  • Recent developments in Lagrangian Floer theory. Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, online (March 2022, delayed since March 2020)
  • Spring School on Symplectic and Contact Topology. CIRM-IHP, online (April 2021)
  • Persistent homology and Barcodes. JLU Giessen, Marburg (August 2019)
  • Graduate Summer School on Homological Algebra of Mirror Symmetry. Fields Institute, Toronto (July-August 2019)
  • Currents trends in symplectic topology. SMS/CRM, Montreal (July 2019)
  • Homological Algebra, Microlocal Analysis and Symplectic Geometry. CRM, Montreal (June 2019)
  • Workshop on Immersed Lagrangian Cobordisms. Fields Institute/University of Ottawa, Ottawa (April 2018)