Rahul Pandharipande

        Department of Mathematics
        ETH Zürich


      A few lectures:

      Paris 1998, Séminaire Bourbaki report   [Rational curves on hypersurfaces]

      Berkeley 2002, MSRI lecture  [Moduli of elliptic curves]

      Beijing 2002, ICM lecture   [Three questions in Gromov-Witten theory]

      CUNY (Sullivan's seminar) 2002, lecture   [Counting holomorphic maps]

      Taiwan 2004, NCTS lectures 1, 2, 3, 4   [GW/DT]

      Seattle 2005, AMS Summer Institute: I, II, III  [Gromov-Witten theory in low dimensions]

      Berkeley 2006, MSRI lecture  [Tools for Gromov-Witten theory]

      Rio de Janeiro 2007, IMPA lecture, slides,   [Modern enumerative geometry]

      Cambridge (MA) 2008, Clay lecture, article,   [Counting curves via stable pairs]

      Berkeley 2009, MSRI lecture  [Top Chern class of the Hodge bundle]

      Berkeley 2009, MSRI lecture  [Pairs, BPS states, and knot invariants]

      Lisbon 2009, Geometry summer school   [Quivers, curves, and the tropical vertex (with M. Gross)]

      Amherst 2010, AGNES lecture [Algebraic cobordism], AGNES article   [Open problem for AGNES]

      Zürich 2010, colloquium   [Algebraic geometry of moduli spaces]

      Berlin 2010, lectures   [Relations in the tautological ring (with A. Pixton)]

      Cambridge (UK) 2011, Newton institute lecture   [Why descendents?]

      Grenoble 2011, Institut Fourier lecture   [Relations on the moduli space of curves]

      Cambridge (MA) 2011, A celebration of algebraic geometry (Joe60)   [Kappa classes]

      Berkeley 2011, Chern centennial conference lecture  [The tautological ring]

      Zürich 2012, Eintritt lecture, slides   [Algebraic geometry of moduli spaces]

      Bonn 2012, lecture at String-Math   [GW/Pairs correspondence for the quintic 3-fold]

      Stockholm 2013, Facets of Geometry, slides   [Relations in the cohomology of the moduli of stable curves]

      Schiermonnikoog (Netherlands) 2014, slides at K3 moduli conference   [Counting curves on K3 sufaces]

      Geneva 2014, lecture at the Confucious Institute   [Counting curves on K3 sufaces]

      Berlin 2014, BMS colloquium lecture, poster (by E.)   [Cohomology of the moduli space of curves]

      Hamburg 2014, Mathematics colloquium, slides   [Curve counts on K3 surfaces and modular forms]

      Paris 2015, Abel lecture, lecture   [Curve counts on K3 surfaces and modular forms]

      Salt Lake 2015, AMS summer institute, slides, lecture, article   [Cycles on the moduli space of curves]

      Zürich 2015, Laudatio for Voisin,   [Hopf Prize 2015]

      Berlin 2016, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie, slides   [Algebraic cycles on moduli spaces]

      Paris 2016, String-Math at the Collège de France, lecture   [Moduli of holomorphic differentials]

      Paris 2016, Algebraic geometry at the Collège de France, lecture   [Classes on the moduli of K3 surfaces]

      Berkeley 2018, Enumerative geometry at MSRI I, II   [Stable maps and Gromov-Witten theory]

      Rio de Janeiro ICM 2018, lecture, slides   [Moduli of curves]

      Shanghai 2018, Lectures 1, 2, 3 at SCMS   [Lehn's conjecture and generalizations]

      Jerusalem 2018, Zabrodsky lectures I, II, III   [Moduli of curves and CohFTs]

      Hangzhou 2020, China geometry and physics seminar (online) slides   [Descendents for stable pairs on 3-folds]

      Moscow 2020, Shafarevich seminar (online) lecture, slides   [Abel-Jacobi maps and double ramification cycles]

      Berlin 2020, Humboldt algebraic geometry seminar (online) slides   [Moduli of differentials on curves]

      Stony Brook 2020, Algebraic geometry seminar (online) lecture, slides   [K3 surfaces: curves, sheaves, and moduli]

      Stanford 2020, Algebraic geometry seminar (online) lecture, slides   [λg in Chow and log Chow]

      Columbia 2020, Math/Physics seminar (online) lecture, slides   [Picard CohFTs]

      Princeton 2021, Algebraic geometry seminar (online) slides   [New results on cycles]

      UI Chicago 2021, Colloquium (online) lecture, slides   [Hurwitz numbers]

      Berlin 2021, Humboldt algebraic geometry seminar (online) slides   [Tevelev degrees and Hurwitz moduli spaces]

      Bures-sur-Yvette 2021, IHES course (online) lectures I, II, III, IV, V, slides I, II, III, IV, V,   [Enumerative geometry of curves, maps, sheaves]

      Geneva 2021, Helvetic algebraic geometry seminar, notes   [The DR cycle in log Chow]

      Cambridge (UK) 2021, Unity of mathematics at the Newton Institute (online) lecture, slides   [Torus actions after Atiyah and Bott]

      Turkish Mathematical Society 2021, colloquium (online) lecture, slides   [Curves, Hurwitz covers, and differentials]

      Trieste 2021, Lothar60 (online) lecture, slides   [GW theory of complete intersections]

      Evanston 2022, Ezra60 (online) slides   [Virasoro constraints for moduli of sheaves]

      Tel Aviv 2022, Geometry seminar (online) lecture, slides   [Log intersection theory of the moduli of curves]

      Urbana 2022, Graduation address in mathematics [UIUC commencement]

      Richmond 2022, Geometry festival (online) slides   [GW/DT in families]

      Stockholm 2022, Carel60 lecture   [25 years of Hodge integrals]

      Rome 2022, AG in Roma III (Verra70) lecture   [LogDR without logs]

      Berlin 2022, DMV Jahrestagung lecture, slides   [Tour of the geometry of points]

      Seoul 2022, Bumsig Kim memorial conference (online) lecture, slides   [Bumsig Kim: in Memoriam]

      Shenzhen 2022, Lambda seminar (online) lecture, slides   [Log intersection theory]

      Berlin 2023, Northern German AG Seminar, lecture, slides   [Cycles on the moduli of abelian varieties]

      Les Diablerets 2023, Moduli of curves, lecture, notes   [Cycles on the moduli of curves via Torelli],   see also Canning's related lecture

      Ann Arbor 2023, Rainich lectures I, II, III,   [Cycles on moduli spaces]

      Bonn 2023, Hirzebruch lecture, slides, reflections   [Moduli in Mathematics]

      Oberwolfach 2023, Recent trends in algebraic geometry, report   [Maps to a moving elliptic curve]

      Berlin 2023, Humboldt algebraic geometry seminar, notes   [Beyond the tautological ring]

      Zürich 2023, ZSG event on becoming an independent researcher [Finding your path]

      Leiden 2023, Belgian-Dutch algebraic geometry seminar notes  [Abelian varieties, curves, and Hilbert schemes]

      Pasadena 2024, Caltech Alaoglu lecture  [Meromorphic functions and modern AJ theory]

      La Jolla 2024, James60 at UC San Diego slides  [Cycles on moduli spaces of abelian varieties]

      Frankfurt 2024, Panorama of Moduli lecture  [Cycles and projection]

      Columbus 2024, Zassenhaus lectures at Ohio State I, II, III  [Moduli]

      Oberwolfach 2024, Log geometry workshop, notes, report  [Hodge integrals related to moving elliptic targets]
