D.A. Salamon Funktionentheorie,
Birkhuser Verlag, Grundstudium Mathematik, Basel, 2012.
ISBN 978-3-0348-0168-3
Updated 27. Januar 2023. Erratum, 27 Januar 2023.
D. McDuff, D.A. Salamon J-Holomorphic Curves and
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ISBN 978-0-8218-3485-5
Second Edition, September 2012.
ISBN 978-0-8218-8746-2 Erratum
for the Second Edition, 27 November 2019
D. McDuff, D.A. Salamon Introduction to Symplectic Topology, Third Edition,
Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 27,
Oxford University Press, 23 March 2017.
ISBN 978-0-1987-9489-9 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-0-1987-9490-5 (paperback) Erratum
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J.W. Robbin, D.A. Salamon
Phase functions and path integrals
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Instanton homology and symplectic
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in Symplectic Geometry, edited by D. Salamon, Proceedings
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Floer homology for mapping cylinders
in Proc. Intern. Congress on Math. Physics, Leipzig, 29
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K. Ito, F. Kappel, D.A. Salamon
A variational approach to approximation of delay equations Diff. and Integral equations4 (1991), 51-72.
D.A. Salamon, E. Zehnder
Floer homology, the Maslov index, and periodic solution of
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An abstract framework for infinite dimensional systems with
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LNCIS 75, Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 324-339.
R.F. Curtain, D.A. Salamon
A note on the disturbance decoupling problem for retarded
systems Systems and Control Letters5 (1985), 335-338.
A duality theory for abstract boundary control systems Proc. 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas,
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Dynamic observation and feedback stabilization for retarded
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The linear quadratic control problem with unbounded input and
output operators Infinite Dimensional Systems, edited by F. Kappel and
W. Schappacher,
LNM 1076, Springer-Verlag, 1983, pp. 187-202.
D.A. Salamon
Neutral functional differential equations and semigroups of
operators Control Theory for Distributed Parameter Systems and
edited by F. Kappel, K. Kunisch and W. Schappacher,
LNCIS 54, Springer-Verlag, 1983, pp. 188-207.
D.A. Salamon
A duality principle for neutral functional differential
equations EQUADIFF 82, edited by K. Schmitt and H.W. Knobloch,
LNM 1017, Springer-Verlag, 1983, pp. 543-552.
On dynamic observation and feedback stabilization for
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RNM 68, Pitman, London, 1982, pp. 202-219.