Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
►Naglowav | Used for the aglowav classes for the boundary element method |
►CBiClNode00 | Binary node for the cluster and Haar wavelet agglomeration algorithm |
CNE | Node -> rght, leaf -> elm |
CBiHaar3d | Agglomerated binary wavelet space |
CBiHaar3dBFSScan | Scanner of the BiHaar3d space ("breadth" first search (bfs)) (1 |
CBiHaar3dDFSScan | Scanner of the BiHaar3d space (depth first search (dfs)) (1 |
CBiTree | Binary tree |
CBiTreeTraits | Traits for the binary tree algorithm |
CC2_tl2 | Weighted diagonal preconditioner for the binary Wavelets |
CC2tl2 | Inverse weighted diagonal preconditioner for the binary Wavelets (inverse of C2_tl2) |
CC2W | Transformation operator from the adaptive constant space to the agglomerated wavelet space without scaling |
CCGt2 | Weighted diagonal preconditioner for the binary Wavelets |
CClstBiTreeTraits | Traits for the binary cluster tree algorithm |
CComposeN | Composes more than 2 operators |
CEst01 | Error estimator for the constant space |
CEst02 | Error estimator for the constant space |
CEst03 | Error estimator for the constant space |
CEst04 | Error estimator for the constant space |
CHaar3d | Agglomerated wavelet space |
CHaar3d000 | Binary space element for the agglomerated wavelets |
CHaar3dBFSScan | Scanner of the Haar3d space ("breadth" first search (bfs)) (1 |
CHaar3dDFSScan | Scanner of the Haar3d space (depth first search (dfs)) (1 |
►CHaar3dXXX | Abstract space element for the agglomerated wavelets |
CKey | Key of the wavelet element |
CM | Local transformation matrix |
COne2ManyTree | |
COne2ManyTreeTraits | Traits for trees where the nodes have always a fixed number of leafs |
CTree01 | Binary tree for the cluster and agglomeration algorithm |
CTree02 | Binary tree for the cluster and agglomeration algorithm |
CW2C | Transformation operator from the agglomerated wavelet space to the adaptive constant space without scaling |
►Naglowav2 | Used for the aglowav2 classes for the boundary element method |
►CAglowavBF00 | Bilinear form for the stiffness matrix compression with aglomerated wavelets |
CCell | Entry in the cache to compute wavelet entries |
CNfld | Structure to hold the one scale near field one each level |
CC2W | Transformation operator from the constant one scale space to the agglomerated wavelet space (without scaling) |
CDelta | Abstract class for the truncation matrix used for wavelet compression |
CDelta00 | Class for the truncation matrix used for wavelet compression |
CDeltaFull | Class for the truncation matrix used for wavelet compression |
CF00 | Class for the far field matrix F |
CHaar3d | Abstract wavelet space |
CHaar3d0 | Agglomerated wavelet space |
CHaar3d000 | Space element for the agglomerated wavelets |
CHaar3d0BFSScan | Scanner of the Haar3d0 space ("breadth" first search (bfs)) (1 |
CHaar3d0DFSScan | Scanner of the Haar3d0 space (depth first search (dfs)) (1 |
CHaar3dBFSScan | Scanner of the Haar3d space ("breadth" first search (bfs)) (1 |
CHaar3dDFSScan | Scanner of the Haar3d space (depth first search (dfs)) (1 |
►CHaar3dXXX | Abstract wavelet space element |
CKey | Key of a wavelet element |
CM000 | Local transformation matrix (square matrix, row wise) |
CMatrix | Matrix class to convert an array to a matrix without copying |
►COperator00 | Stiffness matrix compressed with the agglomerated wavelets |
CMatrix | Structure to hold one matrix row/column |
CPattern | Structure to hold one run of the sparsity pattern |
CW2C | Transformation operator from the agglomerated wavelet space to the constant one scale space (without scaling) |
CWavIdentity | Identity bilinear form for wavelets |
CX00 | Class for the far field matrix X |
CXY00 | Class for the far field matrices X and Y |
CY00 | Class for the far field matrix Y |
►Nalglib | |
C_ahcreport_owner | |
C_autogkreport_owner | |
C_autogkstate_owner | |
C_barycentricfitreport_owner | |
C_barycentricinterpolant_owner | |
C_clusterizerstate_owner | |
C_decisionforest_owner | |
C_densesolverlsreport_owner | |
C_densesolverreport_owner | |
C_dfreport_owner | |
C_eigsubspacereport_owner | |
C_eigsubspacestate_owner | |
C_hqrndstate_owner | |
C_idwinterpolant_owner | |
C_kdtree_owner | |
C_kdtreerequestbuffer_owner | |
C_kmeansreport_owner | |
C_lincgreport_owner | |
C_lincgstate_owner | |
C_linearmodel_owner | |
C_linlsqrreport_owner | |
C_linlsqrstate_owner | |
C_logitmodel_owner | |
C_lrreport_owner | |
C_lsfitreport_owner | |
C_lsfitstate_owner | |
C_matinvreport_owner | |
C_mcpdreport_owner | |
C_mcpdstate_owner | |
C_minasareport_owner | |
C_minasastate_owner | |
C_minbcreport_owner | |
C_minbcstate_owner | |
C_minbleicreport_owner | |
C_minbleicstate_owner | |
C_mincgreport_owner | |
C_mincgstate_owner | |
C_minlbfgsreport_owner | |
C_minlbfgsstate_owner | |
C_minlmreport_owner | |
C_minlmstate_owner | |
C_minnlcreport_owner | |
C_minnlcstate_owner | |
C_minnsreport_owner | |
C_minnsstate_owner | |
C_minqpreport_owner | |
C_minqpstate_owner | |
C_mlpcvreport_owner | |
C_mlpensemble_owner | |
C_mlpreport_owner | |
C_mlptrainer_owner | |
C_mnlreport_owner | |
C_modelerrors_owner | |
C_multilayerperceptron_owner | |
C_nleqreport_owner | |
C_nleqstate_owner | |
C_normestimatorstate_owner | |
C_odesolverreport_owner | |
C_odesolverstate_owner | |
C_polynomialfitreport_owner | |
C_polynomialsolverreport_owner | |
C_pspline2interpolant_owner | |
C_pspline3interpolant_owner | |
C_rbfcalcbuffer_owner | |
C_rbfmodel_owner | |
C_rbfreport_owner | |
C_sparsebuffers_owner | |
C_sparsematrix_owner | |
C_spline1dfitreport_owner | |
C_spline1dinterpolant_owner | |
C_spline2dinterpolant_owner | |
C_spline3dinterpolant_owner | |
C_xdebugrecord1_owner | |
Cae_matrix_wrapper | |
Cae_vector_wrapper | |
Cahcreport | |
Cap_error | |
Cautogkreport | |
Cautogkstate | |
Cbarycentricfitreport | |
Cbarycentricinterpolant | |
Cboolean_1d_array | |
Cboolean_2d_array | |
Cclusterizerstate | |
Ccomplex | |
Ccomplex_1d_array | |
Ccomplex_2d_array | |
Cdecisionforest | |
Cdensesolverlsreport | |
Cdensesolverreport | |
Cdfreport | |
Ceigsubspacereport | |
Ceigsubspacestate | |
Chqrndstate | |
Cidwinterpolant | |
Cinteger_1d_array | |
Cinteger_2d_array | |
Ckdtree | |
Ckdtreerequestbuffer | |
Ckmeansreport | |
Clincgreport | |
Clincgstate | |
Clinearmodel | |
Clinlsqrreport | |
Clinlsqrstate | |
Clogitmodel | |
Clrreport | |
Clsfitreport | |
Clsfitstate | |
Cmatinvreport | |
Cmcpdreport | |
Cmcpdstate | |
Cminasareport | |
Cminasastate | |
Cminbcreport | |
Cminbcstate | |
Cminbleicreport | |
Cminbleicstate | |
Cmincgreport | |
Cmincgstate | |
Cminlbfgsreport | |
Cminlbfgsstate | |
Cminlmreport | |
Cminlmstate | |
Cminnlcreport | |
Cminnlcstate | |
Cminnsreport | |
Cminnsstate | |
Cminqpreport | |
Cminqpstate | |
Cmlpcvreport | |
Cmlpensemble | |
Cmlpreport | |
Cmlptrainer | |
Cmnlreport | |
Cmodelerrors | |
Cmultilayerperceptron | |
Cnleqreport | |
Cnleqstate | |
Cnormestimatorstate | |
Codesolverreport | |
Codesolverstate | |
Cpolynomialfitreport | |
Cpolynomialsolverreport | |
Cpspline2interpolant | |
Cpspline3interpolant | |
Crbfcalcbuffer | |
Crbfmodel | |
Crbfreport | |
Creal_1d_array | |
Creal_2d_array | |
Csparsebuffers | |
Csparsematrix | |
Cspline1dfitreport | |
Cspline1dinterpolant | |
Cspline2dinterpolant | |
Cspline3dinterpolant | |
Cxdebugrecord1 | |
►Nalglib_impl | |
Cae_complex | |
Cae_dyn_block | |
Cae_frame | |
Cae_lock | |
Cae_matrix | |
Cae_serializer | |
Cae_shared_pool | |
Cae_shared_pool_entry | |
Cae_smart_ptr | |
Cae_state | |
Cae_vector | |
Cahcreport | |
Capbuffers | |
Carmijostate | |
Cautogkinternalstate | |
Cautogkreport | |
Cautogkstate | |
Cbarycentricfitreport | |
Cbarycentricinterpolant | |
Cclusterizerstate | |
Cconvexquadraticmodel | |
Ccvreport | |
Cdecisionforest | |
Cdensesolverlsreport | |
Cdensesolverreport | |
Cdfinternalbuffers | |
Cdfreport | |
Ceigsubspacereport | |
Ceigsubspacestate | |
Cfasttransformplan | |
Cfblslincgstate | |
Cgridcalc3v1buf | |
Chqrndstate | |
Cidwinterpolant | |
Ckdtree | |
Ckdtreerequestbuffer | |
Ckmeansbuffers | |
Ckmeansreport | |
Clincgreport | |
Clincgstate | |
Clinearmodel | |
Clinlsqrreport | |
Clinlsqrstate | |
Clinminstate | |
Clogitmcstate | |
Clogitmodel | |
Clrreport | |
Clsfitreport | |
Clsfitstate | |
Cmatinvreport | |
Cmcpdreport | |
Cmcpdstate | |
Cminasareport | |
Cminasastate | |
Cminbcreport | |
Cminbcstate | |
Cminbleicreport | |
Cminbleicstate | |
Cmincgreport | |
Cmincgstate | |
Cminlbfgsreport | |
Cminlbfgsstate | |
Cminlmreport | |
Cminlmstate | |
Cminlmstepfinder | |
Cminnlcreport | |
Cminnlcstate | |
Cminnsqp | |
Cminnsreport | |
Cminnsstate | |
Cminqpreport | |
Cminqpstate | |
Cmlpbuffers | |
Cmlpcvreport | |
Cmlpensemble | |
Cmlpetrnsession | |
Cmlpparallelizationcv | |
Cmlpreport | |
Cmlptrainer | |
Cmnlreport | |
Cmodelerrors | |
Cmultilayerperceptron | |
Cnleqreport | |
Cnleqstate | |
Cnormestimatorstate | |
Cnsfitinternalreport | |
Codesolverreport | |
Codesolverstate | |
Cpolynomialfitreport | |
Cpolynomialsolverreport | |
Cprecbuflbfgs | |
Cprecbuflowrank | |
Cpspline2interpolant | |
Cpspline3interpolant | |
Cqpbleicbuffers | |
Cqpbleicsettings | |
Cqpcholeskybuffers | |
Cqpcholeskysettings | |
Cqpdenseaulbuffers | |
Cqpdenseaulsettings | |
Cqqpbuffers | |
Cqqpsettings | |
Crbfcalcbuffer | |
Crbfmodel | |
Crbfreport | |
Crbfv1calcbuffer | |
Crbfv1model | |
Crbfv1report | |
Crbfv2calcbuffer | |
Crbfv2gridcalcbuffer | |
Crbfv2model | |
Crbfv2report | |
Crcommstate | |
Csactiveset | |
Csboolean | |
Csbooleanarray | |
Cscomplex | |
Cscomplexarray | |
Csinteger | |
Csintegerarray | |
Csmlpgrad | |
Csmlptrnsession | |
Csnnlssolver | |
Csparsebuffers | |
Csparsematrix | |
Cspline1dfitreport | |
Cspline1dinterpolant | |
Cspline2dinterpolant | |
Cspline3dinterpolant | |
Csreal | |
Csrealarray | |
Cx_matrix | |
Cx_string | |
Cx_vector | |
Cxdebugrecord1 | |
►Nbem | Used for the basic classes of the boundary element method |
CAdaptConst3d000 | A 3D adaptive BEM space with piecewise constant basis functions without any constaints |
CAdaptConst3d001 | A 3D adaptive BEM space with piecewise constant basis functions |
CAdaptConst3d002 | A 3D adaptive BEM space with piecewise constant basis functions |
CAdaptiveAdjust | Class to describe adjustments to elements in an adaptive space |
CAdaptiveSpace | |
CAdaptLaplaceDL00 | Bilinear form for the Laplace double layer potential with piecewise constant shape functions and hanging nodes (=> recursive subdivision of the larger triangle) |
CAdaptLaplaceDL01 | Bilinear form for the Laplace double layer potential with piecewise constant shape functions and hanging nodes (=> recursive subdivision of the larger triangle) |
CAdaptLaplaceDLP | Linear form for the Laplace Double Layer potential |
CAdaptLaplaceSL01 | Bilinear form for the Laplace Single Layer potential with piecewise constant shape functions and hanging nodes (=> recursive subdivision of the larger triangle) |
CAdaptLaplaceSLP | Linear form for the Laplace Single Layer potential |
CArbKrnl000 | Bilinear form to compute arbitrary kernels with NO singularities |
CArbKrnlGal000 | Bilinear form for arbitrary kernel with NO singularities |
CArbKrnlGal000Traits | |
CArbKrnlGal001 | Bilinear form for arbitrary kernel with NO singularities |
CArbKrnlGal001Traits | |
CCnst | Constant kernel function (used only to test quadrature schemes) |
CConstant3d | A 3D space with discontinuous, piecewise constant basis functions |
CConstant3d000 | Constant triangular element |
►CConstant3d001 | Constant space element with a level dependent key |
CKey | Key with some level dependent information |
CConstant3d002 | Constant triangular element with normed basis function |
CConstDLPAbscWghtEdg | Abscissas and weights for the case of common edge, double layer potential and constant test/trial functions |
CConstDLPAbscWghtVtx | Abscissas and weights for the case of common vertex, double layer potential and constant test/trial functions |
CConstSLPAbscWghtEdg | Abscissas and weights for the case of common edge, single layer potential and constant test/trial functions |
CConstSLPAbscWghtPnl | Abscissas and weights for the case of common panel, single layer potential and constant test/trial functions |
CConstSLPAbscWghtVtx | Abscissas and weights for the case of common vertex, single layer potential and constant test/trial functions |
CConstTriGraphics | Handles graphics for trianular constant elements |
CD | Diagonal scaling operator for the piecewise constant basis |
CD_1 | Diagonal scaling operator for the piecewise constant basis |
CDirac3d | A 3D space with Dirac basis functions |
CDirac3d000 | Dirac element on triangles (used for collocation method) |
CEdgeMap | Class to map the edges to the two neighbouring panels |
CExpR | |
CExpR2 | |
CGaussAbscWght | Gauss abscissas and weights for the interval |
CGaussAbscWghtSym | Symmetric Gauss abscissas and weights for the interval |
CIdentity | Bilinear form to compute the mass matrix |
CInv1Rn | |
CLaplace | |
CLaplaceDL | Bilinear form to compute the Laplace double layer potential |
CLaplaceDLP | Linear form to evaluate the Laplace double layer potential |
CLaplaceHyp | Bilinear form to compute the Laplace hypersingular operator |
CLaplacePLD | Bilinear form to compute the adjoint of the Laplace double layer potential |
CLaplaceSL | Bilinear form to compute the Laplace single layer potential |
CLaplaceSLP | Linear form to evaluate the Laplace single layer potential |
CLinear3d | A 3D space with continuous, piecewise linear basis functions |
CLinear3d000 | Linear triangular element |
CLinearDLPAbscWghtEdg | Abscissas and weights for the case of common edge, double layer potential and linear test/trial functions |
CLinearDLPAbscWghtVtx | Abscissas and weights for the case of common vertex, double layer potential and linear test/trial functions |
CLinearHYPAbscWghtEdg | Abscissas and weights for the case of common edge, hypersingular operator and linear test/trial functions |
CLinearHYPAbscWghtPnl | Abscissas and weights for the case of common panel, hypersingular operator and linear test/trial functions |
CLinearHYPAbscWghtVtx | Abscissas and weights for the case of common vertex, hypersingular operator and linear test/trial functions |
CLinearSLPAbscWghtEdg | Abscissas and weights for the case of common edge, single layer potential and linear test/trial functions |
CLinearSLPAbscWghtPnl | Abscissas and weights for the case of common panel, single layer potential and linear test/trial functions |
CLinearSLPAbscWghtVtx | Abscissas and weights for the case of common vertex, single layer potential and linear test/trial functions |
CLinTriGraphics | Handles graphics for trianular linear elements |
CLpl000 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with linear trial functions for use in the internal/external points |
CLpl001 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with constant trial functions for use in the internal/external points |
CLpl003 | Evaluation of the Laplace single layer potential with linear trial functions for use in the internal/external points |
CLpl004 | Evaluation of the Laplace single layer potential with constant trial functions for use in the internal/external points |
CLplCol006 | Evaluation of the Laplace single layer potential with linear trial functions (collocation) |
CLplCol007 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with linear trial functions (collocation) |
CLplGal000 | Evaluation of the Laplace single layer potential with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal001 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal002 | Evaluation of the Laplace hypersingular operator with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal004 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal005 | Evaluation of the Laplace hypersingular operator with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal006 | Evaluation of the Laplace single layer potential with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal007 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal008 | Evaluation of the Laplace hypersingular operator with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal009 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with linear test/trial functions |
CLplGal010 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with constant test/trial functions |
CLplGal011 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with constant test/trial functions |
CLplGal012 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with constant test/trial functions |
CLplGal014 | Evaluation of the Laplace double layer potential with constant test/trial functions |
CLplGal018 | Evaluation of the Laplace single layer potential with constant test/trial functions |
CNeumann | Linear form |
CNoOfIntegrationPointsToHigh | Exception class to express that the number of integration points exceeds the number of precalculated values |
CPoly | Polynomial in one variable (used only to test quadrature schemes) |
CRiesz | Linear form to evaluate |
CStroudAbscWght | Abscissas and weights for Stroud formulas |
CStroudLinTrialWght | Abscissas and weight |
CTriangleGraphics | Handles graphics for triangles in 3D |
►Ncluster | Used for the cluster classes for the boundary element method |
CBBall | Abstract class to compute a bounding ball of an element (the leafs of a cluster tree) |
CBBall000 | Computes the Cebysev ball of an element |
CCacheSizeExceeded | Exception class |
CCebyCenter | Class to compute the Cebysev ball of a point set, i.e., the smallest ball containing all points |
CCebysevKF | part of the Cebysev expansion for arbitrary kernels |
CCebysevKFTraits | Interface for the kernel function used by CebysevKF |
►CCebysevLaplaceF | part of the Cebysev expansion of the Laplace kernel |
CFColCebyLpl | Class to hold the expansion coefficients |
CClstF | Abstract class for a far field matrix F |
CClstX | Abstract class for the far field matrix X |
CClstXY | Abstract class for the far field matrices X and Y |
CClstY | Abstract class for the far field matrix Y |
►CCluster | Node of a cluster tree |
CCE | Data structure to hold a pointer to an element or a child cluster |
CDMultipoleX | Normal derivative of the part of the Multipole kernel expansion |
CDMultipoleY | Normal derivative of the part of the Multipole kernel expansion |
CDTaylorX | Normal derivative of the part of the Taylor kernel expansion |
CDTaylorY | Normal derivative of the part of the Taylor kernel expansion |
CExpansionF | Abstract class for the part of a kernel expansion |
CExpansionXY | Abstract class for the and the part of a kernel expansion |
►CF01 | Far field matrix F |
CFfld | Class to store the far field coefficients |
►CF02 | Far field matrix F |
CFfld | Class to store the far field coefficients |
►CF03 | Far field matrix F |
CFfld | Class to store the far field coefficients |
►CF04 | Far field matrix F |
CFfld | Class to store the far field coefficients |
CFColExp | Abstract class to hold the expansion coefficients |
CFColF | Class to hold expansion coefficients of type F |
CMultipoleLaplaceF | part of the Multipole expansion of the Laplace kernel |
CMultipoleX | part of the Multipole kernel expansion |
CMultipoleY | part of the Multipole kernel expansion |
CNfld | Class to store a pair of clusters in the near field |
►COperator01 | Cluster approximation of the stiffness matrix |
CNfldMatrix | Class to hold the near field entries for two clusters |
COperator02 | Cluster approximation of the stiffness matrix |
CTaylorLaplaceF | part of the Taylor expansion of the Laplace kernel |
CTaylorX | part of the Taylor kernel expansion |
CTaylorY | part of the Taylor kernel expansion |
CTree | Abstract class for a cluster tree |
CTree01 | Cluster tree |
CTree02 | Cluster list, i.e., all leafs are on level 0 |
CTree03 | Cluster tree |
CTreeTraits | Interface class for a node in a cluster tree |
CTreeTraits01 | Interface class for a node in the cluster tree Tree01 |
CTreeTraits02 | Interface class for a node in the cluster tree Tree02 |
CTreeTraits03 | Interface class for a node in the cluster tree Tree01 |
CX01 | Class for far field part X |
►CXY01 | Class to hide some implementation details of the far field matrices X, Y |
CXYCol | Data structure to hold the expansion coefficients |
CXYFnc | Data structure for auxiliary vectors (one vector per cluster) |
CXYColExp | Abstract class to hold the expansion coefficients |
CXYColExpPtr | Abstract class for a pointer to the expansion coefficients |
CXYColF | Class to hold expansion coefficients of type F |
CXYColFPtr | Class for a pointer to expansion coefficients of type F |
CY01 | Class for far field part Y |
►Nconcepts | Basic namespace for Concepts-2 |
►C_HashedSMatrix_iterator | STL like iterator for hashed sparse matrices |
CMatrixType | Non-constant matrix for non-constant iterator |
CMatrixType< _Tp_, const _Tp_ &, const _Tp_ * > | Constant matrix for constant iterator |
►C_Matrix_iterator | STL iterator for matrices |
CMatrixType | Non-constant matrix for non-constant iterator |
CMatrixType< _Tp_, const _Tp_ &, const _Tp_ * > | Constant matrix for constant iterator |
►C_Matrix_iterator_base | Base class for STL like iterator for matrices |
CReturnType | Return Type reference (_Tp&) for non-constant iterator constant copy (const _Tp) for constant iterator |
CReturnType< const _Tp_ & > | Return type for derefencation is constant copy for constant iterator |
►C_SubMatrix_iterator | STL like iterator for sub matrices |
CMatrixType | Non-constant matrix for non-constant iterator |
CMatrixType< F_, const F::type &, const F::type * > | Constant matrix for constant iterator |
CAbsolute | The absolute value of a element function |
CAbsoluteComp | The component wise absolute value of a element function |
CAdaptiveAdjust | Class to describe adjustments to elements in an adaptive space |
CAdaptiveAdjustP | Class to describe adjustments to elements in an adaptive space |
CAdaptiveControl | Class to describe control structures of an adaptive space |
CAdaptiveControlP | Describe control structures of a high order adaptive space |
CAdaptiveControlTag | Tag information which is used in AdaptiveControl |
CAdaptiveModel | |
CAdaptiveQuadratureRule1d | Adaptive quadrature rule for numerical integration |
CAdaptiveSpace | Abstract base class for an adaptive space |
CAdaptivity | Abstract base class for an adaptive classes, a.o.t |
CAfterIteration | Solver with after iterations |
CAnasaziES | |
CAnasaziMV | |
CAnasaziOp | |
CArray | An array of objects |
CArrayCoord | Array with coordinates of a cell |
CArrayCoord< 1 > | Array with coordinates in 2D |
CArrayCoord< 2 > | Array with coordinates in 2D |
CArrayDeterminant | Class, which calculates the determinant for each element of the array |
CArrayGramMatrix | Class, which calculates the Gram matrix M * M^T for each matrix of the array |
CArrayHessian | Array of hessian matrices on quadrature points |
CArrayHessian< 1, 1 > | Array of the quadratic form induced by the Hessian Matrix of the inverse transformation apllied on the tangential normal |
CArrayJacobian | Array of jacobian matrices on quadrature points |
CArrayJacobian< 1, 1 > | Array of jacobian determinants |
CArrayJacobian< 2, 2 > | Array of jacobian matrices in 2D on 2D elements |
CArrayJacobian< 3, 3 > | Array of jacobian matrices in 3D on 3D elements |
CArrayLocalCoord | Array of local coordinates, e.g., inside a quad, but only along an edge |
CArrayMatrixInverse | Class, which calculates the inverse matrix for each element of the array |
CArrayMatrixTranspose | Class, which calculates the transpose matrix for each element of the array |
CArrayReciprocal | Class, which calculates the reciprocal for each element of the array |
CArrayScan | Scanner for an Array |
CAssertion | Exception class for assertions |
CAttribute | Attributes for elements of the topology |
CAttributeBool | A function class to query attributes |
CAttributesFile | |
CBaseSequence | Sequence with operations and output operator |
CBaseSet | Set with operations and output operator |
CBelosLinProb | Decorator that decorates the Class Belos::LinearProblem<T, MV, OP> with interfaces to Concepts SparseMatrix and Vector |
CBelosSolver | Concepts interface to Trilinos Belos solver with different ifpack2 preconditioners and different iterative solvers |
CBesselJ | Class for evaluating the Bessel function of first kind |
CBesselY | Class for evaluating the Bessel function of second kind |
CBiCGStab | Solves a symmetric system of linear equations with BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized (BICGSTAB) |
CBiCGStabFabric | Fabric class for conjugate gradients: BiCGStab |
CBilinearF_Sum | Sum of two bilinear forms of possible different underlying field type F |
CBilinearF_W | Product of scalar and a bilinear form with possible different field type F |
CBilinearForm | Abstract function class to evaluate a bilinear form |
CBilinearFormContainer | |
CBilinearFormLiCo | A linear combination of bilinear forms |
CBlendingHexahedron3d | A 3D hexahedral element map for interpolation between arbitrary curved boundary quadrilateral elements according to the Linear Blending Function Method (Gordon and Hall, 1971) |
CBlendingQuad2d | A 2D element map for a curved quadrilateral |
CBoundary | Class to describe an element of the boundary |
CBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions |
CBuildTColumnsBase | Base class for classes for building T columns for elements in a space with help of space pre builder |
CCartesianPMLFormulas | Class for Cartesian PML |
CCCell_F | Curved Cell struct that holds a physical non-vertex cell with a finite number of setted point evaluations |
CCCell_F_dist | Struct that provides a CCell_F object together with a heuristic distance between given point to the finite number of physical points of the underlying cell |
CCell | A cell in a mesh consist of topological information (neighbours, connectivity, orientation) and geometrical information (coordinates) |
CCell1 | One dimensional cell |
CCell2 | Two dimensional cell |
CCell3 | Three dimensional cell |
CCellBox | CellBox with a specific order relation |
CCellCondition | |
CCellConditions | |
CCellData | Stores additional information on a cell, namely its father |
CCellDiameter | Class representing a map of diameters of elements of a given Space |
CCellEdgeIntegral | Integral over a edge, evaluated on a cell |
CCellFaceIntegral | Integral over a face, evaluated on a cell |
CCellIntegral | Integral, evaluated on a cell |
CCellMap | Class representing a map to ElementWithCells |
CCellPostprocess | Abstract class for per cell postprocessing |
CCellStripeElement | Cells ordered by key numbering |
CCellToCellMapping | |
CCellType | |
CCellType< 1 > | |
CCellType< 2 > | |
CCellType< 3 > | |
CCG | Solves a symmetric system of linear equations with conjugate gradients (CG) |
CCGFabric | Fabric class for conjugate gradients: CG |
►CCircle | Mesh for a circle |
CS | Scanner over the cells |
►CCircleBoundary | |
CS | Scanner over the cells |
CCircleMappingEdge2d | 2D element map for an circular arc |
CCircleMappingEdge3d | A 3D circular edge element map |
CCloneable | Cloneable interface |
CCmplxPart | Abstract class for a function, which is one part of an complex function |
CCmplxtype | Taking for a real type the appropiate real type and for a real type itself |
CCmplxtype< std::complex< F > > | |
CCoeffIterator | Iterator for an array of coefficients |
CCoeffIterator< F, F > | Iterator for an array of scalar coefficients |
CCoeffIterator< F, Mapping< F, dim > > | Iterator for an array of matrix coefficients |
CCoeffIterator< F, Point< F, dim > > | Iterator for an array of vector coefficients |
CCombtype | Combined type |
CCombtype< F, std::complex< F > > | Combined type Real * Cmplx = Cmplx |
CCombtype< int, F > | Combined type int * Real = Real int * Cmplx = Cmplx |
CCombtype< std::complex< F >, F > | Combined type Cmplx * Real = Cmplx |
CComplexFunction | Complex function based on a real function (casting) |
CCompose | Computes the product of two operators |
CComposeFormulaMatVec | Computes the Matrix-vector product A * vf, where A is a matrix valued formula and vf a vector valued formula |
CComposeFormulaVecEntry | |
CConnector | An abstract class for elements of the topology |
CConnector0 | A 0D element of the topology |
CConnector1 | A 1D element of the topology |
CConnector2 | A 2D element of the topology |
CConnector3 | A 3D element of the topology |
CConnectorData | Generalization of the class which store additional information for topological entities |
CConnectTwoMeshes | Connected mesh of two given meshes where edges on both outer boundaries are connected |
CConstFormula | Class for a constant formula |
CConstrained | Solves a linear system of equations subject to linear constraints |
►CConvertMeshQuads | Mesh converter |
CS | Scanner class for ConvertMeshQuads |
CCoordinate | |
CCoordinateParam | |
CCos_n_phi | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CCos_n_x | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CCos_n_y | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CCRSConvertable | Base class for operators which can be converted to Sparse Row Storage (CRS) or Sparse Column Storage (CCS) |
►CCuboid | Concepts mesh of an cuboid in one hexahedron |
CS | Scann 3d |
CCurlHField_CircularCoil | |
CCurvatureElementFormula | Formula for the curvature or their derivatives on edges in 2D |
CDatatype | Type of the data inside a container |
CDatatype< Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > > | |
CDatatype< Point< F, dim > > | |
CDDSolver | Domain Decomposition Solver |
CDDSpace | |
CDefFile | |
CDenseMatrix | Dense matrix |
CDiagonalMatrix | Diagonal matrix |
CDiagonalSolver | A solver for diagonal matrices |
CDiagonalSolverFabric | Fabric class for DiagonalSolver |
CDimensionMismatch | Exception class to express dimensions not matching |
CDirichlet | Class for calculating and holding local coefficients per element which represent the dirichlet boundary condition |
CDirichletElementFormula | Dirichlet Data as element formula |
CDivGradHField_CircularCoil | |
CDomainDecomp | Domain decomposition space |
CDummySpace | Space for a given dimension but without more functionality |
CDynArray | Container class: a dynamic array |
CDynArrayBase | Base class for DynArray for the non-template part |
CDynArrayPage | A page of a dynamic array |
CEddyGeometry2D | Abstract class for holding geometry and material for eddy current problems |
CEddyGeometry2DRectImport | Rectangular geometry, source current |
CEddyGeometry2DRotateImport | Geometry with rotational symmetric coil |
CEddyGeometry2DRotational | Rotational symmetric geometry, conductivity and source current |
CEdgCorrFile | |
CEdge | An edge in the topology |
CEdge1d | A 1D cell: edge |
CEdge2d | A 1D cell: edge in 2D |
CEdgeCoordinateChange | Coordinate changes for edge elements |
►CEdgeCoordinateChange< 2 > | |
CEdgeHash | Hash function |
CEdgeCoordinateChange< 3 > | Coordinate changes for edge elements in a parent hexahedron |
CEdgeData | Stores additional information on an edge, namely its cells and faces |
►CEdgeMesh | Base class for edge meshes |
CS | Scanner over the cells |
CEdgeNd | A 1D cell in any dimension: edge |
CEdgeNormalVectorRule | Base class for defining rules in which direction the normal vector should point for created edges from quads |
CEdgeNormalVectorRuleAttrib | Class defining the rule that the normal vector is outwards or inwards cells with giving attribute |
CEdgeNormalVectorRuleMidPoint | Class defining the rule that the normal vector is outwards or inwards when looking from a given point |
CEdgesOfVertices | Build a mapping from vertices (over their key) in a cell to the edges their belong to |
CEdgeTraceType | Class EdgeTraceType holding the information about the TraceType, i.e |
CEdgeTraceTypes | Edge Tracetypes |
CEdgRadiaFile | |
CElement | An abstract class for an element of a space |
CElementAndFacette | Container for an element and one facette (edge or face) |
CElementFormula | Interface for a formula defined element by element |
CElementFormulaBoundary | Element formula, which gives formula on the boundary |
CElementFormulaCompose | |
CElementFormulaContainer | |
CElementFormulaLiCo | |
CElementFormulaRotate2D | Rotated element formula of a 2D vector (90� to right) |
CElementFormulaVector | Vectorial formula created from a FE function |
CElementFormulaVector< 1, F, G, H > | Scalar formula created from a FE function |
CElementFormulaVectorBase | Base class for Formula created from a FE function |
CElementFunction | An abstract class for a function in a FE space |
CElementGraphics | Handles graphics output (to a file) of a specific element |
CElementGraphicsBase | Base class for graphics output, which holds graphics types |
CElementMatrix | Element matrix |
CElementMatrixBase | Base class for element matrices |
CElementNotInDomainOfFormula | Exception class to express that an inquired element is not in the domain |
CElementPair | Gives access to a pair of elements |
CElementPairList | Holds a list of ElementPair and allows to scan over this list |
CElementWithCell | Element with cell |
CEllipseMappingEdge2d | 2D element map for an ellipsoidal arc (not skewed) |
CEstimator | |
CExceptionBase | Base class for exceptions |
CExp_i_n_phi | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CExp_i_n_x | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CExp_i_n_y | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CExplicitResidual | |
CEz4uException | Exception class to express a problem in a ez4u input file |
CFaceData | Stores additional information on a face, namely its cells |
CFaceNormalVectorRule | Class for defining rules in which direction the normal vector should point for created faces from hexahedrons |
CFacetteTraceType | Class FacetteTraceType holding the information about the TraceType, i.e |
CFacetteTraceTypes | Facette Tracetypes |
CFFEF_Error | Exception class to handle errors in the FormulaFromElementFormula class |
CFile | Base class for File type recognition |
CFileOpenError | Indicates that there were problems in a file open operation |
CFluxesError | Exception class to handle errors in the Fluxes class |
CFlyweight | Flyweight memory manager |
CFormula | Interface for a formula |
CFormulaContainer | |
CFormulaExpImag1D | Formula for |
CFormulaExpImag2D | Formula for |
CFormulaExpImag2DGrad | Formula for gradient of a plane wave |
CFormulaExpImag2DRadialDer | Formula for radial derivative of |
CFormulaFromElementFormula | Projection class that allows to project an ElementFormula (i.e |
CFormulaIncPlaneWaveSource | Formula for |
CFormulaLayerPlaneWaveLayer | Formula for plane wave source in layered structure |
CFormulaLayerPlaneWaveLayerGrad | Formula for gradient of plane wave source in layered structure |
CFormulaLayerPlaneWaveSource | Formula for plane wave source in layered structure |
CFormulaLayerPlaneWaveSourceGrad | Formula for plane wave source in layered structure |
CFormulaLayerPlaneWaveTotal | Formula for plane wave source in layered structure |
CFormulaLayerPlaneWaveTotalGrad | Formula for gradient of plane wave source in layered structure |
CFormulaLiCo | Linear combination of two formulae |
CFormulaNormalOuterSP2D | Computes the scalar product <n, vf> of the normal n with a vector valued formula vf, the result is a scalar formula in F |
CFormulaPMLBoxRestriction | |
CFormulaPMLCart | Class for Cartesian PML, see Collino & Monk |
CFormulaPMLCartNew | New class for Cartesian PML that gets rid of the equation coefficients in the PML structure |
CFormulaPMLEdgeRadia | Class for radial PML in polar coordinates |
CFormulaPMLHamburger | Class providing the formulas for hamburger PML |
CFormulaPMLPowerSigma | |
CFormulaPMLPowerSigma2D | Class for the function for radial PML, see INRIA report of Collino & Monk |
CFormulaPMLPowerSigmaB2D | Class for the function for radial PML, see INRIA report of Collino & Monk |
CFormulaPMLRadia | Class for PML in polar coordinates |
CFormulaSyntaxError | Exception indication that a formula contains a syntax error reported by the parser |
CFortranException | Exception indicating an error in a FORTRAN routine returning a non-zero info flag |
CFrm_Product | Class for a product of formula |
CFrm_Sum | Class for a sum of formula |
CFrmE_Component | Class representing a component of an element formula |
CFrmE_Component_Matrix | Class representing a component of an element formula |
CFrmE_Conjugate | Conjugate complex of an element formula |
CFrmE_Inverse | Inverse of an element formula |
CFrmE_NormalVector | Element formula on 1D elements based on Edge2d returning the normal vector |
CFrmE_NormalVector3d | Element formula on 2D elements based on Quad3d returning the normal vector |
CFrmE_PMLTransformation | |
CFrmE_PointsToMapping | |
CFrmE_PointsToMapping< 2, F, G > | |
CFrmE_PointToMapping | Class which maps an element formula of type Point (a vector) to one of type Mapping (a matrix) |
CFrmE_Product | Product of two element formulas or an element formula and a factor |
CFrmE_ScalarProductNormalEdge2d | Computes the scalar product <n, vf> of the normal n with a vector valued formula vf, the result is a scalar formula in F |
CFrmE_Sum | Class for a sum of element formulas |
CFrmE_TangentialVector | Element formula on 1D elements based on Edge2d returning the tangential vector (left of normal vector) |
CFrmE_Trace | |
CFunction | Abstract class for a function |
CGeneralMapping | Introduction of a mapping type which is Real or Cmplx for dimension 1 and Mapping<Real,dim> or Mapping<Cmplx,dim> for higher dimensions |
CGeneralMapping< F, 1 > | |
CGeneralPoint | Introduction of a point type which is Real or Cmplx for dimension 1 and Point<Real,dim> or Point<Cmplx,dim> for higher dimensions |
CgetTypeOfObject | Return the dynamic type of a polymorphic object |
CGlobalPostprocess | Global Postprocessing |
►CGMRes | Solves a system of linear equations with general minimal residuals (GMRes) |
CR | |
CGMResFabric | Fabric class for generalized minimal residual: GMRes |
CGmshInputException | Exception class to express a problem in a gmsh (.msh) input file |
CGraph | Template class to define a graph |
CGraphVertex | Template class to define a graph vertex |
CHamburgerPMLFormulas | Class for hamburger PML A hamburger PML is divided in three parts one rectangle in the middle region, called "steak", two semi-circles below and above the steak, called "bread" |
CHash | |
CHash< QuadratureOrder > | |
CHash< ShapeFunction1DOrder > | |
►CHashedSparseMatrix | A matrix in sparse storage using hashes |
CValue | Values of a matrix in sparse notation |
CHashMap | |
CHex3dSubdiv2x | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 2 children |
CHex3dSubdiv2y | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 2 children |
CHex3dSubdiv2z | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 2 children |
CHex3dSubdiv4x | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 4 children |
CHex3dSubdiv4y | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 4 children |
CHex3dSubdiv4z | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 4 children |
CHex3dSubdiv8 | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 8 children |
CHex3dSubdivision | Interface for geometrical subdivision strategies for hexahedrons |
CHexahedron | A hexahedron in the topology |
►CHexahedron3d | A 3D cell: hexahedron |
CIndex | Subclass of Hexahedron3d representing its index |
CHexSubdiv2x | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 2 children perpendicular to the x direction |
CHexSubdiv2y | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 2 children perpendicular the y direction |
CHexSubdiv2z | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 2 children perpendicular to the z direction |
CHexSubdiv4x | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 4 children along the x direction |
CHexSubdiv4y | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 4 children along the y direction |
CHexSubdiv4z | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 4 children along the z direction |
CHexSubdiv8 | Subdivision strategy for hexahedrons which generates 8 children |
CHexSubdivision | Interface for topological subdivision strategies for hexahedrons |
CHField_CircularCoil | |
CHRefinement | Uniform h refinement |
CImagPart | Function as imaginary part of an complex function |
CImplicitEquilibratedA0Error | |
CImport2dMesh | |
►CImport2dMeshBase | Imports 2D mesh with triangles and quadrilaterals (possibly mixed) |
CS | Scanner class for Import2dMesh |
CImport2dMeshEz4u | Imports 2D mesh with triangles(currently not supported) and quadrilaterals (possibly mixed) from mesh generator ez4u |
CImport2dMeshGeneral | |
CImport2DMeshGmsh | Imports a 2D quadrilateral mesh from mesh generator gmsh |
►CImport3dMesh | Imports 3D mesh with tetrahedra and hexahedra |
CNodeCell | Stores the nodes and edges of a cell to be created |
CNodeHexahedron | Stores the nodes and faces of a hexahedral cell to be created |
CNodeTetrahedron | Stores the nodes and faces of a tetrahedral cell to be created |
CS | Scanner class for Import3dMesh |
CImport3DMeshGmsh | Imports a 3D mesh consisting only of hexahedrons from created with the mesh generator gmsh |
►CImport3DTetMesh | Importer for tetrahedral meshes in notation which was used in [1] |
CS | |
CTet | |
CImportMesh | Base class for reading a mesh from a file |
CIndex | Stores a number of indices in a ordered fashion |
CIndexNotExisting | Exception class to express that an index in a dynamic array does not exist |
CIndexRange | Class for a range of global indices |
CInfiniteEdge | An infinite edge in the topology, which possess only one vertex as the other lies in the infinite |
CInfiniteQuad | A infinite quadrilateral in the topology, which possess one Edge and two InfiniteEdges since one edge lies in the infinite |
CInfiniteQuad2d | A 2D cell: infinite quadrilateral |
CInfiniteRect2d | A 2D cell: infinite rectangle |
CInfQuadSubdiv2V | Subdivision strategy for infinite quadrilaterals which generates two children which are infinite quadrilaterals as well |
CInfQuadSubdivision | Interface for topological subdivision strategies for infinite quadrilaterals |
CInnerOuterBoundary2d | Base class for mesh classes in 2D which defines its outer boundary and inner boundaries |
CInnerResidual | |
CInOutParameters | Holds parameters in hashes |
CInputAdaptiveModels | Helps for reading input parameters for single solving with AdaptiveModels |
CInputEddy2DGeometries | Helps for reading input parameters for Eddy2D geometries |
CInputFile | Helps for reading the input parameter of file name |
CInputParameter | Abstract class for carrying information, which helps for reading input parameters from command line |
CInputParser | Parses an input file and extracts parameters |
►CIntegrationCell | Cell over which can be integrated |
CintPoint | Integration point consisting of coordinates and intermediate data |
CInverseMappingEdge2d | In existant 2D element map for an edge the direction in the edge are inversed |
CInverseVertexQuadSector2d | A 2d inverse mapping from a sector to reference element |
CJacobianCell | Basic template class for a Jacobian Cell |
CJacobianCell< 1 > | |
CJacobianCell< 2 > | |
CJacobianCell< 3 > | |
CJoiner | Joiner class with multiple successors, i.e |
CKarniadakis | Part of the multidimensional expansion bases for the shape functions of Karniadakis and Sherwin |
CKarniadakisNew | |
CKey | Key class |
CLaguerre | Laguerre polynomials |
CLaguerreBasis | Polynomial functions which gives a basis of the semi-infinite intervals after multiplication with factor |
CLapackChol | Linear solver using Lapack subroutine DPOSV |
CLegendre | Class representing Legendre polynomials evaluated on quadrature points |
CLevel | Level information used for multidimensional hp FEM |
CLiCo | Linear combination of two operators |
CLiCoI | Linear combination of an operator with the identity |
CLine | Mesh for the interval of the real axis |
CLinearForm | Abstract class for a linear form |
CLinearFormChoice | Interface class for Linearform in that one can choice for the basis evaluation type, represented by "Basis" enum |
CListScan | Scanner for a list |
CLocalDtNmapFeng2D | Class that allows to apply the local DtN Boundary Conditions of Feng for the Helmholtz equation for order 1-5 |
CLocalEstimator | ** |
Cltidx | |
Cltstr | |
CMacroElementNode | |
CMap1d | An abstract class for a 1d map |
CMap2d | An abstract class for a 2d map |
CMap3d | An abstract class for a 3d map |
CMapEdge1d | A 1D element map for an edge |
CMapHexahedron3d | A 3D element map for a hexahedron |
CMapParallelepiped3d | A 3D element map for a Parallelepiped |
CMapping | Basic class for a 2D or 3D map |
CMappingEdge2d | A 2D element map for an edge |
CMappingEdge3d | Base class for an edge element map |
CMappingHexahedron3d | Interface for the element map of a hexahedron embedded in R^3 (analogous to the design of MappingQuad2d in two dimensions) |
CMappingHexahedronEdge3d | 3D element map for an edge as part of a Hexahedron |
CMappingParallelEdge2d | 2D element map for an edge parallel to another one |
CMappingQuad2d | A 2D element map for a quadrilateral |
CMappingQuadEdge2d | 2D element map for an edge as part of an quad |
CMappingStraightEdge2d | A 2D element map for an edge of a straight line |
CMappingStraightEdge3d | A 3D straight edge element map |
CMappingTriangle2d | A 2D element map for a triangle |
CMapQuad2d | A 2D element map for a quadrilateral given by a formula |
CMapTetrahedron3d | A 3D element map for a tetrahedron |
CMapTriangle2d | A 2D element map for a triangle |
CMapTriangle3d | A 3D element map for a triangle |
CMatfileIO | Concepts *.mat-file tool |
CMatfileIOError | Exception class to handle errors in the matfileIO class |
CMatrix | Abstract class for an operator |
CMatrixElementFormula | Element formula returning a matrix |
CMatrixNotBuilt | Indicates that a needed matrix wasn't build yet |
CMaxwellBoundary | Class for holding boundary type of Maxwell's problems |
CMaxwellModel | Abstract class for Maxwell's problems |
CMesh | An abstract class for meshes |
CMesh1 | An abstract class for 1D meshes |
CMesh2 | An abstract class for 2D meshes |
CMesh2withBoundary | Base class for mesh classes in 2D which defines its outer boundary and inner boundaries |
CMesh3 | An abstract class for 3D meshes |
CMeshGraph2 | |
CMeshGraph2_Edge | |
CMissingFeature | Exception class to express a missing feature |
CMissingParameter | Indicates that a requested parameter is not present |
CModel | Base class for a model |
CModelControl | |
CModelControl< hp2D::Eddy2D_E > | |
CModelControl< hp2D::Maxwell2D_E > | |
CModelControl< hp2D::Maxwell2D_H > | |
CModelControl< hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base > | |
CModelControl< hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_DD > | |
CModelControlBase | Base class for controlling a model |
CModelNotSolved | Indicates that a model wasn't solved yet |
►CMultiArray | Container typename for multidimensional Array which is based on std::map |
CScanner | Class for scanning (iterating) over the array in all dimensions |
►CMultiArray< 1, T > | Container typename for multidimensional Array which is based on std::map |
CScanner | Class for scanning (iterating) over the array in all dimensions |
CMultiEntrance | |
CMultiEntrance< 1, T > | |
CMultiIndex | |
Cmultilevelindex | Class for the multilevel index |
CMultiple | Multiple of an operator |
Cmultiplies | |
CMultiVector | A multivector in dimension dimC with const pointer entries |
CMultiVector< 0, concepts::Set< CellBox< 1 > > > | |
CMultiVector< 0, concepts::Set< CellBox< 2 > > > | |
CMultiVector< 0, concepts::Set< CellBox< 3 > > > | |
CMultiVector< 0, const ElementWithCell< Cmplx > * > | |
CMultiVector< 0, const ElementWithCell< Real > * > | |
CMumps | MUMPS : MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver |
CMumpsException | Exception indicating that the Mumps solver failed |
CMumpsFabric | Fabric class for Mumps |
CMumpsOverlap | MUMPS : MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver |
CMumpsOverlapFabric | Fabric class for Mumps with overlaping |
CMutableMesh1 | Class for holding a general mutable mesh of line elements where cells can be added |
CMutableMesh2 | Class for holding a general mutable mesh of 2D cell where cells and other 2D meshes can be added |
CMutableMeshBase | Base class for mutable meshes |
CNegativeJacobian | Exception which indicates that a negative Jacobian was found |
CNeumann | Abstract class for the Neumann boundary term |
CNewton | Solves a non-linear system of the form A(X)=Y |
CNewtonException | Exception indicating that the Newton solver failed |
CNoConvergence | Exception indicating that the solver did not converge up to the desired accuracy in the given number of iterations |
CNoMPIInit_Error | Exception class to handle MPI::Init() lack of call |
CNotValidDof | Exception class to express that an inquired dof is not valid |
CNRLSolver | |
Cnull_deleter | |
Cnumber | Name traits for number types |
Cnumber< double > | Name traits for the number type Real |
Cnumber< hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1 > | |
Cnumber< hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceL2 > | |
Cnumber< long double > | Name traits for the number type Real |
Cnumber< Mapping< F, dim > > | |
Cnumber< Point< F, dim > > | |
Cnumber< std::complex< double > > | Name traits for the number type Cmplx |
Cnumber< std::complex< long double > > | Name traits for the number type Cmplx |
COpAdd | |
COperation | |
COperator | Abstract class for an operator |
COpMult | |
COpRecipr | |
COrders | Class combining polynomial order and number of quadrature points |
COrdersBase | Class containing number of quadrature points |
COutputMatlab | Class for output of objects to matlab |
COutputMatlab< Array< F > > | Specialisation of class OutputMatlab<F> for output of objects to matlab to Array<F> |
COutputMatlab< bool > | |
COutputMatlab< char * > | Class for output of C strings |
COutputMatlab< F * > | Class for output of pointers to matlab |
COutputMatlab< Mapping< F, dim > > | Class for output of 2D and 3D matrices to matlab |
COutputMatlab< Point< F, dim > > | Class for output of 2D and 3D vectors to matlab |
COutputMatlab< Sequence< F > > | Specialisation of class OutputMatlab<F> for output of objects to matlab to Sequence<F> |
COutputMatlab< std::map< F, G > > | |
COutputMatlab< std::queue< F > > | |
COutputMatlab< std::set< F > > | |
COutputMatlab< std::string > | Class for output of C++ strings |
COutputMatlab< std::vector< F > > | |
COutputMatlab< StiffArray< dim, F > > | Specialisation of class OutputMatlab<F> for output of objects to matlab to StiffArray<dim,F> |
COutputOperator | Class providing an output operator |
COutputTecplot | Class for output of objects to tecplot |
COutputTecplot< Array< F > > | |
COutputTecplot< Point< F, dim > > | Class for output of 2D and 3D vectors to matlab |
COutputTecplot< std::complex< F > > | |
CParabelMappingEdge2d | 2D element map for an parabel arc |
►CParallelepiped3d | A 3D cell: parallelepiped |
CIndex | Subclass of Tetrahedron3d representing its index |
CPardiso | Sparse direct solver for symmetric and unsymmetric matrices |
CPardisoFabric | Fabric class for Pardiso |
CParsedFormula | |
CParsedFormula< Cmplx > | |
CParsedFormula< Real > | |
CParsedFormula< Real2d > | |
CParsedFormulaBase | Parses the given string and evaluates it on request |
CParseObjectFromString | Class for parsing objects like "Circle(1.0)" or "Edge(1,2)" from a string |
CPartMappingEdge2d | Part of a edge mapping |
CPartMappingHexahedron3d | A 3D element map for a restriction of a given hexahedron element mapping |
CPartMappingQuad2d | Part of a map of a quadrilateral |
CPermutation | Permutation operator |
CPETSc | Interface to the iterative solvers of the PETSc library |
CPETScFabric | Fabric class for PETSc solvers |
CPETScMat | Interface to the sparse matrices from PETSc |
CPiecewiseConstDynArrayFormula | Piecewise constant function defined by attributes, base on dynamic array |
CPiecewiseConstFormula | Piecewise constant function defined by the attribute of a cell |
CPiecewiseConstImportFormula | Piecewise constant function defined by attributes, imported from a file |
CPiecewiseElementFormula | Piecewise defined function defined by attributes |
►CPiecewiseFormula | Piecewise defined function defined by attributes |
CFormulaFactor | |
CPiecewiseFormula0 | Piecewise defined function, which consists of a formula and a default value |
CPiecewiseFormulaBase | Piecewise defined function on a number of cells |
CPiecewiseFormulaCombine | Combines two piecewise defined formulas with an operation, e.g |
CPiecewiseFormulaFun | Piecewise defined function as an analytical function of another piecewiese defined function |
CPiecewiseFormulaVector | |
CPiecewiseFormulaVector< 1, F, G, H > | |
CPiecewiseFormulaVectorBase | Base class for piecewise defined formula, which are a function of a FE function |
CPListScan | Scanner for a list of pointers |
CPoint | Basic class for a Point or a vector |
CPointerToEmptyBilinearForm | Exception class to express that the RCP pointer points to 0 |
CPointerToEmptyElementFormula | Exception class to express that the RCP pointer points to 0 |
CPointerToEmptyFormula | Exception class to express that the RCP pointer points to 0 |
CPointInCell | Define a point inside a geometrical cell by its connector and the coordinate in the reference cell |
CPointInCell< 1 > | |
►CPool | Pool for blockwise memory allocation |
Clink | |
CPrecondSolverFabric | Abstract fabric class for linear solvers with preconditoner |
CPRefinement | Uniform p refinement |
CProcessParameter | Reads command line |
CPStlVectorScan | Scanner for a STL container std::vector of pointers |
CQR_Q | Gives min(N,M) by min(N,M) - Q matrix of QR decomposition of a M by N non sparse matrix A |
CQuad | A quadrilateral in the topology |
CQuad2d | A 2D cell: quadrilateral |
CQuad2dSubdiv2H | Subdivision strategy for quadrilaterals which generates two children |
CQuad2dSubdiv2V | Subdivision strategy for quadrilaterals which generates two children |
CQuad2dSubdiv4 | Subdivision strategy for quadrilaterals which generates four children |
CQuad2dSubdivision | Interface for geometrical subdivision strategies for quadrilaterals |
CQuad3d | A quadrilateral cell in 3D |
CQuadCoordinateChange | Coordinate changes for quadrilateral elements |
►CQuadCoordinateChange< 3 > | Coordinate changes for quadrilateral face elements in a parent hexahedron |
CQuadHash | Hash function |
►CQuadNd | Base class for a quadrilateral in any dimension |
CIndex | Subclass of QuadNd representing its index |
CQuadrature | Basic class for numerical integration |
►CQuadratureOrder | |
CHash | |
CQuadratureRule | Abtract class for quadrature rules in |
CQuadratureRule1d | Quadrature rule for numerical integration |
CQuadratureRule1dDynamic | Base class for quadrature rules with dynamically allocated storage for the weights and abscissas |
CQuadratureRule1dGaussJacobi | Gauss Jacobi quadrature rule not including both endpoints |
CQuadratureRule1dGaussLobatto | Gauss Lobatto quadrature rule including both endpoints |
CQuadratureRule1dTrapeze | |
CQuadratureRule2d | Abstract class for quadrature rules in |
CQuadratureRule2dQuadDuffy | Class representing the Generalized Duffy quadrature rule in 2d, , that is for the standard duffy integration rule |
CQuadratureRule2dQuadTensor | Tensor quadrature rule in 2d |
CQuadRuleFactory | Class for creation of a quadrature rule |
CQuadRuleFactoryBase2d | Abstract class for quadrature rule factories in 2D |
CQuadRuleFactoryTensor2d | This class is the same as QuadRuleFactory, but returning integration rules in 2d |
►CQuadRuleFactoryTensorDuffy2d | Class representing a quadrature factory, that holds information about cells on which generalized duffy quadrature should be applied |
CDuffyData | Duffy information data, i.e. the duffy parameter and the number of points |
CQuadSubdiv2H | Subdivision strategy for quadrilaterals which generates two children |
CQuadSubdiv2V | Subdivision strategy for quadrilaterals which generates two children |
CQuadSubdiv4 | Subdivision strategy for quadrilaterals which generates four children |
CQuadSubdivision | Interface for topological subdivision strategies for quadrilaterals |
CRadialPML_2D | Class for providing the formulas in bilinear forms coming from the PML transformation of the radial PML (in 2D) |
CRadialPMLFormulas | Class for providing the formulas in bilinear forms coming from the PML transformation of the radial PML (in 2D) |
CRCP | Reference-counting pointer |
CRCP< const ElementFormula< F, G > > | |
CRCP< const Formula< F > > | |
CRealPart | Function as real part of an complex function |
CRealtype | Taking for a complex type the appropiate real type and for a real type itself |
CRealtype< Array< F > > | |
CRealtype< Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > > | |
CRealtype< Point< F, dim > > | |
CRealtype< std::complex< F > > | |
CRelativeCells | Class which holds information about the mesh hierarchy and how the point in the reference cell changes from level to level |
CResourceMonitor | Timer and resource monitor |
CRestrictionSpace | Classes for restriction of spaces to a sub-domain |
►CResultsTable | Organizes the results in the hashes from InOutParameters in a nice table |
CtableDelimTraits | Table delimiters |
CRys | Rys shape function basis over an element [a,b] |
CScan | An abstract class for scanning a mesh (a set of cells) or a space (a set of elements) |
CScan< Cell1 > | A scanner for a 1D mesh |
CScan< Cell2 > | A scanner for a 2D mesh |
CScan< Cell3 > | A scanner for a 3D mesh |
CScan< Connector0 > | A scanner for 0D connectors on the processor intersection (cap) |
CScan< Connector1 > | A scanner for 1D connectors on the processor intersection (cap) |
CScan< Connector2 > | A scanner for 2D connectors on the processor intersection (cap) |
CScan< constraints::Element< F > > | |
CScan< ElementWithCell< F > > | |
CScan< hp1D::BaseElement< F > > | Scanner of hp1D::Element |
CScan< hp2D::Element< F > > | Scanner of hp2D::Element |
CScan< hp3D::Element< Real > > | |
CScan< linDG3D::FvdgElement > | Scanner over tetrahedral elements in FV/DG-space |
CScan< linearFEM::Element > | |
CScan< linearFEM::Line > | |
CScan< linearFEM::Quad > | |
CScan< linearFEM::Tetrahedron > | |
CScan< linearFEM::Triangle > | |
CScan< vectorial::Element< F > > | |
CScan< vectorial::ElementWithCell< F > > | |
CSchurCompl | Schur complement |
CSemantics | An abstract function class to query attributes |
CSequence | Sequence with operations, output operator, and method of the particular element types |
CSequence< bool > | |
CSequence< Connector0 * > | |
CSequence< Connector1 * > | |
CSequence< Connector2 * > | |
CSequence< const Connector0 * > | |
CSequence< const Connector1 * > | |
CSequence< const Connector2 * > | |
CSequence< const Key * > | |
CSet | Set with operations, output operator, and method of the particular element types |
CSet< Attribute > | |
CSet< Connector * > | |
CSet< Connector0 * > | |
CSet< Connector1 * > | |
CSet< Connector2 * > | |
CSet< const Connector * > | |
CSet< const Connector0 * > | |
CSet< const Connector1 * > | |
CSet< const Connector2 * > | |
CSet< const Key * > | |
►CSet< IndexRange > | |
Cindex_iterator | |
CShapeFunction1D | Abstract class for 1D shape function |
►CShapeFunction1DOrder | |
CHash | |
CSharedJacobianAdj | Shared data for bilinear forms on vectorial spaces, like hp2D::RotRot and hp2D::DivDiv |
CSharedJacobianDet | Shared data for bilinear forms on vectorial spaces, like Identity |
CShiftAndInvertOperatorForGEVPs | |
CSin_n_phi | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CSin_n_x | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CSin_n_y | Class for evaluating for points in cartesian coordinates |
CSingletonScan | A scanner over a single element |
CSMatrix1D | One dimensional S matrix |
CSMatrixBase | An abstract class for an S matrix |
CSMatrixBlock | S matrix in block form for tensorised shape functions |
CSMatrixCompose | Composing S matrices |
CSMatrixGeneralTensor | S matrix for elements in dimensions 2 and 3 with tensorized shape functions, with arbitrary number of shape functions in each direction |
CSMatrixTensor | S matrix for elements in dimensions 2 and 3 with tensorized shape functions |
CSolverConjugate | Solver for a complex system |
CSolverFabric | Abstract fabric class for linear solvers |
CSourceFunctionF0_x | Design of the limit order source function in direction as |
CSourceFunctionF0_y | Design of the limit order source function in direction as |
CSpace | Abstract class for a space |
CSpaceDebug | Class for output of all elements of a class, good for debugging |
CSpaceGraph | |
CSpaceHelper | Class which helps to build the T Columns of the elements of a space, with the help of a space pre builder |
CSpaceNotBuilt | Indicates that the space on which a function was called was not yet correctly built |
CSpaceOnCells | Abstract class for a space |
CSpaceOnCoarseCells | Interface class for SpacesOnCells that also allow for allCells(), that i.e |
CSpacePreBuilder | |
CSparseMatrix | Sparse matrix |
CSphere | Topological sphere connector |
CSphere3d | Geometric sphere element |
CSphereMapping | Geometric sphere |
CSphericalFormula | |
CSphericalFormula< Real > | Formula in spherical polar coordinates |
CSphericalFormula< Real2d > | Class representing SphericalFormulas in two in 2 components |
CSphericalSurface | Topological spherical surface connector |
CSphericalSurface3d | Geometric spherical surface element |
CSpooles | Sparse direct solver for symmetric and unsymmetric matrices |
►CSquare | Mesh for with one quadrilateral |
CS | |
►CSquare2 | Mesh for with two quadrilaterals |
CS | |
CSquared | The square of a element function (componentwise) |
►CSquareOneInfiniteRect | Mesh consisting of two cells, one Quad2d and one InfiniteRect2d |
CS | |
►CSquareTwoInfiniteRects | Mesh consisting of three cells, one Quad2d and two InfiniteRect2d |
CS | |
CStacktrace | Dumps a stack trace using gdb |
CStiffArray | An array of objects of fix length, defined by template parameter dim |
CStiffArray< 0, F > | Stiff Array of zero dimension makes no sense |
CStiffArray< 1, F > | |
CStlVectorScan | Scanner working on std::vector elements |
►CStraightPeriodicBoundary | |
CS | Scanner over the cells |
CStrategyChange | Exception indicating that changing the subdivision strategy is not allowed (but was tried anyway) |
CSubdivision | Common base class for QuadSubdivision and HexSubdivision |
CSubMatrix | |
CSubMatrixN | Abstract class for an operator, which is a sub matrix of another matrix |
CSubspace | Class for holding an offset of global indices of space |
CSubspaceHelper | |
CSubVector | A sub vector, defined by another vector and an index set |
CSuperLU | Direct sparse solver for unsymmetric matrices |
CSuperLUFabric | Fabric class for SuperLU |
CSymmetry | General class for symmetries on a geometrical object |
CSymmetry< Edge > | Specialized template for edges |
CSymmetry< Quad > | Specialized template for quadrilaterons |
CTColumn | A column of a T matrix |
CTColumnBlock | A column of a T matrix |
CTColumnSet | A set of TColumns and polynomial degrees, sorted by a key, eg |
CTColumnTensor | A column of a T matrix |
CTensorVertexMap | Basic template class for a tensor map vertex |
CTensorVertexMap< 1 > | |
CTensorVertexMap< 2 > | |
CTensorVertexMap< 3 > | |
CTetrahedron | A tetrahedron in the topology |
►CTetrahedron3d | A 3D cell: tetrahedron |
CIndex | Subclass of Tetrahedron3d representing its index |
CTIndex | T matrix for linear and regular elements |
►CTMatrix | A T matrix in sparse notation |
CControl | The column header: column index and length of the column data |
CData | The matrix entries: row index and data |
CTMatrixBase | An abstract class for a T matrix |
CTMatrixBlock | TMatrixBlock are special Tmatrices in block diagonal structure, builded with two Tmatrices itsself |
CTranspose | The transpose of another matrix |
CTriangle | A triangle in the topology |
►CTriangle2d | A 2D cell: triangle |
CIndex | Subclass of Triangle2d representing its index |
►CTriangle3d | A 3D cell: triangle |
CIndex | Subclass of Quad2d representing its index |
CTrivExtendRestrict | Trivial extension and restriction operator |
CUmfpack | Sparse direct solver for unsymmetric matrices |
CUmfpackFabric | Fabric class for Umfpack |
►CUniformlyRefinedMesh2 | Wrapper class refining an existing 2d mesh uniformly |
CS | Scanner class for UniformlyRefindeMesh2 |
CUnitNd | A vector of dimension dim and length 1 |
CVecOperator | Abstract class for an operator acting on vectors only, not arbitrary functions |
CVector | A vector |
CVectorElementFormula | |
CVectorElementFormula< F, 2, G > | |
CVectorElementFormula< F, 3, G > | |
CVectorElementFormulaBase | Element formula returning a vector |
CVectorFormula | Element formula returning a vector |
CVertex | A vertex in the topology |
CVertexData | Stores additional information on a vertex, namely its cells and edges |
CVertexQuad2d | A 2D element map for a quadrilateral given by a the four vertices |
CVertexTriangle2d | A 2D element map for a triangle |
CWrongInputException | Exception class to express an input criteria was not met |
CWrongRelations | Exception class to express an illegal relation within topological lists |
CWsym_x | |
CWsym_y | |
CWunsym_x | |
CWunsym_y | |
CZ2 | Binary group (algebraic): only the values 0 and 1 are represented |
CZ3 | Algebraic group with three elements: 0, 1 and 2 |
CZ4 | Algebraic group with four elements: 0, 1, 2 and 3 |
CZylindricalFormula | Formula in zylindrical coordinates |
►Nconstraints | Essential boundary conditions and multi-point constraints [1] |
CAnalyticalConstraint | Models an analytical constraint |
CConstraintsList | List of AnalyticalConstraint |
CElement | Element of the constraints space |
CSpace | Space of constraints |
►Neigensolver | Eigenvalue solvers |
CArPack | Eigenvalue solver using ARPACK, the routine dnaupd or znaupd |
CArPackFabric | Fabric class for ARPACK eigenvalue solver for a constrained problem |
CArpackOperatorWrapper | Wrapper for general operators and general eigenproblems |
CArPackppGen | EigenSolver for complex, general eigenproblems |
CArPackppStd | EigenSolver for complex, standard eigenproblems |
CArPackppSymGen | EigenSolver for symmetric, real-valued, general eigenproblems |
CArpackStdOperatorWrapper | Wrapper for general operators and standard eigenproblems |
CArPackSymm | Eigenvalue solver using ArPack, the routine dsaupd |
CConstrained | Solves a generalized eigenvalue problem subject to linear, homogeneous constraints |
CDirPowIt | Eigenvalue solver using the direct power iteration method |
CEasyArPackpp | Purely virtual class providing methods and instances for its child classes EasyArPackppStd, EasyArPackppGen and EasyArPackppSymGen |
CEasyArPackppGen | Tool to easily solve general eigenvalue problems |
CEasyArPackppStd | Tool to easily solve standard eigenvalue problems |
CEasyArPackppSymGen | Tool to easily solve general eigenvalue problems for symmetric matrices |
CEigenSolver | Interafce for eigenvalue solvers |
CGEVPSolver | |
CInexactInv | Inexact inverse iteration to solve a generalized Eigen value problem |
CInexactInvFabric | Fabric class for eigensolver inexact inverse iteration |
CJdbSym | Eigenvalue solver using JDBSYM |
CJdbSymFabric | Fabric class for JdbSym eigenvalue solver for a constrained problem |
COperatorType | |
COperatorType< concepts::Real, concepts::Real > | |
CSmallES | Eigenvalue solver using LaPack routine dgeev (Real) zgeev (Cmplx) |
CSolverFabric | Abstract fabric class for eigenvalue solvers |
►Nestimator | |
CAMarking | |
CAprioriVertex | ** |
CBMarking | |
CBuergDoerfler | Class representing the hp marking strategy proposed by Buerg in this dissertation |
►CBuergRefinement | Actual refinement hp rule that generalizes dörflers bulk marking |
CweightedIndictor | |
Cerror_index | |
CExactEstimator | Abstract class representing the explicit residual a posteriori error estimator |
CHP_Refinement | Abstract Class for h refinement only, i.e |
CImplicitResidual | Abstract class representing the implicit residual a posteriori error estimator |
CImplicitResidual2D | Given a elliptic equation: |
CKeysInfo | |
►CLocalMesh2 | This is a local Neighboorhood Mesh (i.e regular) of a given node (key = K), which content is a space Element (e.g |
CS | |
►CLocalProjectionBase | |
CPointProjection | |
CLocalProjections_P | |
CLocalProjections_S | |
CMarking | Abstract class on Marking |
CMVMarking | Mean value marking strategy |
CPolynomialDegrees | |
CPrediction | Prediction hp - adaptive refinement strategy, proposed by Melenk and Wohlmuth |
CRefinement | Abstract class for all refinement strategies in arbitray dimension |
►Ngeometry | |
Cedge_dof | |
CEdgePatch | Class holding the Keys of the Edges around a vertex of a regular Patch |
CElementPatch | Class holding the informations of a regular patch |
Cquad_loc | |
CVtxToEdgeSupportMap | Class representing the map from vertex keys to EdgePatches |
CVtxToElmSupportMap | Class representing the map from Node keys to ElementPatches |
CVtxToPatchMaps | Class to build up maps form Vertexkeys to EdgePatches or ElementPatches |
►Ngraphics | Graphics |
CBaseDataCell | Class for writing the graphical output of a FE solution represented by a coefficient vector (and possibly an element function) to the given streams |
CBaseElementFormulaCell | Writes element formula for a cell to the given streams |
CBaseFormulaCell | Writes formula for a cell to the given streams |
CBaseMeshCell | Writes the mesh to the given streams (for a cell) |
CBaseOutputCell | Writes the mesh to the given streams |
CBoundaryDXCell | Gathers information about boundary faces (or edges in 2D) and prepares information to be written to an OpenDX file |
CDataDX | Draws a picture of data in DX format and stores the result in a file |
CDataDXConnections | Graphics in OpenDX - connections |
CDataDXCoordinates | Graphics in OpenDX - coordinates |
CDataDXCounts | Graphics in OpenDX - point counter |
CDataDXData | Graphics in OpenDX - data |
CDataGnuplotCell | Writes the data which describe the elements to the given streams |
CDataMatlab | Draws a picture of data in Matlab format and stores the result in files |
CDataMatlabCell | Writes the data which describe the elements to the given streams |
CDenseMatrixCollection | Class that hold and manage a std::map with concepts::ElementMatrices for graphical output, collected by graphics::DenseMatrixGraphics |
CDenseMatrixGraphics | Class that collects data for graphical output and stores it in concepts::ElementMatrices and graphics::DenseMatrixCollection |
CMatlabBinaryGraphics | Class that allows to store graphical infomations in .mat files to use them in Matlab |
CMatlabBinaryMeshGraphics | |
CMatlabElasticityGraphics | |
CMatlabGraphics | Draws a picture of data in Matlab format and stores the result in a single file |
CMatlabMesh | Routines for writing mesh and formula for a single cell for different cell types |
CMatrixBaseElementFormulaCell | Class for writing the graphical output of an element formula to ElementMatrices |
CMatrixBaseMeshCell | Class that iterates over a mesh and collects graphical informations in a set of ElementMatrices |
CMatrixBasisOutputCell | Basis class for graphical output using dense matrices |
CMatrixCounterCell | Class that collects information about the mesh/space it iterates over, that are used for MatrixBasisOutputCell and derived classes to allocate the matrices where the data will be stored |
CMatrixSolutionEvaluationCell | Class for writing the values of the solution of a PDE on the quadrature points of the space in a DenseMatrix |
CMatrixSpaceOutputCell | Class that collects graphical informations about a given space in a set of ElementMatrices |
CMeshDAT | Creates files which are suitable for mesh input using Import2dMesh or Import3dMesh |
CMeshDATCell | Cell by cell output for MeshDAT |
CMeshDX | Draws a picture of a mesh in DX format and stores the result in a file |
CMeshDXCell | Draws a picture of a mesh in DX |
CMeshEPS | Draws a picture of a mesh in EPS format and stores the result in a file |
CMeshEPSCell | Draws a picture of a mesh in EPS |
CMeshGnuplotCell | Writes the data which describe the elements to the given streams |
CMeshMatlab | Creates data for Matlab to draw the mesh |
CMeshMatlabCell | Writes the data which describe the elements to the three streams |
CMeshTecplot | Creates files to show the mesh using Tecplot |
CMeshTecplotCell | Cell by cell output for MeshTecplot |
COutputBase | Base class for graphical output to a file |
CSize | Number of components of data types |
CSize< concepts::Cmplx > | |
CSize< concepts::Mapping< F, dim > > | |
CSize< concepts::Point< F, dim > > | |
CSize< Real > | |
CspaceTraits | Traits for a space |
CspaceTraits< hp2D::Space > | Traits for hp2D::Space |
CspaceTraits< hp3D::Space > | Traits for hp3D::Space |
CspaceTraits< linDG2D::Space > | |
CspaceTraits< linDG2D::SpaceP0 > | |
CspaceTraits< linDG2D::SpaceP1 > | |
CspaceTraits< linDG3D::FvdgSpace > | Traits for FvdgSpace |
CspaceTraits< linDG3D::FvdgSpaceP0 > | Traits for FvdgSpaceP0 |
CspaceTraits< linDG3D::FvdgSpaceP1 > | Traits for FvdgSpaceP1 |
CspaceTraits< linearFEM::Linear2d > | Traits for linearFEM::Linear2d |
CspaceTraits< linearFEM::Linear3d > | Traits for linearFEM::Linear3d |
CspaceTraits< vectorial::Space< concepts::Real > > | Traits for vectorial::Space |
CspcDim | Determines the traits class belonging to a space by a default template parameter |
CspcPosCon | Determines the traits class belonging to a space by a default template parameter |
CTecplotGraphics | Output to Tecplot |
CTecplotMesh | Routines for writing mesh and formula for a single cell for different cell types |
CTopologyDotty | Executor class for TopologyDottyCell |
CTopologyDottyCell | Produces an input file for dot / dotty to display the topology as a directed graph |
CVertexInfo | Class containing information about one single vertex |
CVertexList | Class containing a list of vertices |
CVtkGraphics | Class that allows to store graphical infomations in .vtk files to use them in paraview |
►Ngraphicspy | |
CPythonGraphics | |
►Nhp1D | 1D hp-FEM |
CAdvectionElementMatrix | Element mass matrix for hp 1D FEM with Karniadakis basis on the reference intervall |
CArrayElementFormula | Array of formula values on quadrature points |
CBaseElement | |
CBiLaplace | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Bi-Laplacian |
CBilinearFormHelper | Helper class for bilinearforms a(u,v), where u is i-form and v is j-form |
CBilinearFormHelper< 0, 0, F > | |
CBilinearFormHelper< 1, 1, F > | Helper class for bilinearforms a(u,v), where u and v are 1-forms |
CBilinearFormHelper< 2, 2, F > | Helper class for bilinearforms a(u,v), where u and v are 2-forms |
CBilinearFormVtxHelper | Helper class for bilinearforms a(u,v), where a is a i-j Form that just works on the Vertices, like JUMP or MEAN and products of it on the end of the elements |
CDualSpace | Class for a dual space to a continuous FE space on edges |
CElementFormulaInterpGrad | |
CExplicitResidual1D | |
CGenericElement | 1D generic element |
CGrad | The gradient of the approximated function in a FE space |
CGradLinearForm | Linear form on edges in nD |
ChpAdaptiveSpaceL2 | A 1D polynomial space spanned by Legrendre type polynomials |
CIdentity | A function class to calculate element matrices for the mass matrix |
CIdentityParallel | A function class to calculate element matrices for the mass matrix for elements that are shifted |
CIntegrableElm | Class holding the quadrature rule and the cell of a 1D element |
CJump1Jump1 | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Product of the jumps of the derivative |
CKarniadakisMixin | The following two types are shape function mixins |
CLaplace | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian |
CLegendreMixin | Legendre shape functions mixin |
CLevelRiesz | This class creates a linearform corresponding to the integral: |
CLevelRieszElement | This class creates a linearform corresponding to the local contribution of one cell to the integral: |
CLinearFormGradInterp_Grad | Linear form on edges in nD |
CLinearFormHelper | Helper class for Linearforms l(v), where v is i-form |
CLinearFormHelper< 0, F > | Helper class for linearforms l(v), where v is a 0-form |
CLinearFormHelper< 1, F > | Helper class for linearforms l(v), where v is a 1-form |
CLineGraphics | Handles graphics for 1D hp FEM elements |
CMassElementMatrix | Element mass matrix for hp 1D FEM with Karniadakis basis on the reference intervall |
CMean2Jump1 | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Product the mean of the second derivative and of the Jump of the derivative |
CNeumann | Linear form on edges in nD |
CPointEvaluation | Point evaluation in 1D |
CRefineOrRaise | Refines element or raises its polynomial degree |
CRiesz | Linear form on edges in nD |
CRysMixin | Rys shape functions mixin |
CRysSpace | A 1D polynomial space spanned by the Rys basis |
CSpace | A 1D hp FEM space with continuous, picewise polynomial basis functions |
CStiffElementMatrix | Element stiffness matrix for hp 1D FEM with Karniadakis basis on the reference intervall |
CValue | The approximated function in a FE space |
►Nhp2D | 2D hp-FEM for H1-conforming elements |
►Nl2 | 2D hp-FEM for L2-conforming elements |
CQuad | A 2D FEM element: a quad |
CQuadGraphics | Handles graphics for 2D hp quadrilateral FEM elements |
CQuadShapeFunctions | A class for holding the shape functions of nodal elements on quadrilaterials for a particular polynomials degree (ie |
CRiesz | Linear form in 2D |
CValue | The approximated function in a FE space |
CAdaptiveModel | |
CAdvection | A function class to calculate element matrices for the bilinear form |
CApproxMoments | |
CAPrioriGeometricRefinement | Class for holding a rule for geometric refinement towards edges and vertices |
CAPrioriRefinement | Carries out a-priori given refinements |
CAPrioriRefinementNew | |
CAPrioriRefinementRule | |
CAPrioriRefinementRuleFactory | Factory class for a refinement rule |
CAPrioriRegularRefinement | Class for holding a rule for a particular h- and p-refinement until an maximum level and maximum polynomial degree is reached |
CArrayElementFormula | Array of formula values on quadrature points |
CArrayQuadWeights | Class to represent the quadrature weights on all quadrature points |
CBaseEdge | |
CBaseQuad | A base of a 2D quad FEM element for different basis functions |
CBaseQuadGraphics | Base class for handling graphics for 2D hp quadrilateral FEM elements |
CBilinearFormHelper_0_0 | Helper class for bilinearforms a(u,v), where u and v are 0-forms |
CBilinearFormHelper_0_1_Part | Helper class for bilinear forms a(u,v) where u is a 0-form and v is a 1-form |
CBilinearFormHelper_1_1 | Helper class for bilinearforms a(u,v), where u and v are 1-forms, which computes intermediate data for element matrix computation |
CBilinearFormHelper_2_1 | Helper class for bilinearforms , where is a 2-form and a 1-form |
CBilinearFormHelper_2_2 | Helper class for bilinearforms a(u,v), where u and v are 2-forms |
CBilinearFormOnePartDeriv | A function class to calculate element matrices for the bilinear form related to a partial derivative of the test functions (scalar) |
CBilinearFormTwoPartDeriv | A function class to calculate element matrices for the bilinear form related to a partial derivative of the trial and (!) test functions (scalar) |
CBuildDofsBase | Responsible to build the degrees of freedom in a space |
CBuildEdgeDofs | Responsible to build the edge degrees of freedom in a space |
CBuildH1EdgeTColumns | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to edge degrees of freedom in a H1 conforming space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildH1InnerTColumns | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to inner degrees of freedom in a H1 conforming space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildH1InnerTColumnsHypTrunk | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to inner degrees of freedom in a H1 conforming (trunk) space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildH1InnerTColumnsLinTrunk | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to inner degrees of freedom in a H1 conforming (trunk) space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildH1VtxTColumns | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to vertex degrees of freedom in a H1 conforming space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildHCurlEdgeTColumns | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to edge degrees of freedom in a H(Curl) conforming space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildHCurlInnerTColumns | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to inner degrees of freedom in a HCurl conforming space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildInnerDofs | Responsible to build the inner degrees of freedom in a space |
CBuildInnerDofsHypTrunk | Responsible to build the inner degrees of freedom in a (trunk) space |
CBuildInnerDofsLinTrunk | Responsible to build the inner degrees of freedom in a (trunk) space |
CBuildL2InnerTColumns | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to inner degrees of freedom in a L2 conforming space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildL2InnerTColumnsHypTrunk | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to inner degrees of freedom in a L2 conforming (trunk) space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildL2InnerTColumnsLinTrunk | Responsible to build the T columns belonging to inner degrees of freedom in a L2 conforming (trunk) space with shape functions in tensor product structure |
CBuildTColumnsBase | Base class for classes for building T columns for elements in a space with help of a 2D space pre builder |
CBuildVertexDofs | Responsible to build the vertex degrees of freedom in a space |
CDegreeDim | Dimension of the degrees of freedom in a cell |
CDegreeDim< concepts::InfiniteQuad > | |
CDegreeDim< concepts::Quad > | |
CDegreeDim< concepts::Triangle > | |
CDistancePost | A function class for weighted regularization |
CDivDiv | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Div u*Div v Bilinearform |
CEddy2D_dissipation | Local contribution to dissipation power loss |
CEddy2D_E | Class for calculating Eddy current problem with Maxwell modell in h formulation |
CEddy2D_eField | Electrical field |
CEddy2D_H | Class for calculating Eddy current problem with Maxwell modell in h formulation |
CEddy2D_H_Interior | Class holding size and magnetic field of embedded (interior) area |
CEdgeGraphics | Handles graphics for 1D hp FEM elements |
CElement | Abstract class for a 2D FEM element |
CElementFormulaEdgeJump | Element formula for a jump value on edges of elements of an other element formula |
CElementFormulaEdgeMean | Element formula for a mean value on edges of elements of an other element formula |
CElementFormulaInterpGrad | Element formula for the gradient of an scalar element formula |
CElementFormulaInterpGrad< F, 2 > | |
CElementFormulaInterpGradN | Element formula for the gradient of an scalar element formula |
CElementFormulaInterpGradN< F, 2 > | |
CElementFormulaSignNormalVector | Element formula on 1D elements based on Edge2d returning the 1.0 if the normal vector is the right one and -1.0 otherwise |
CElementFunction | Base class for element functions for hp elements in 2D |
CElementFunction< 1, F, Q > | |
CEquilibratedMomentsAO | |
►CExplicitResidual2D | Given a elliptic equation: |
CDistance | Weight class for 2d Elements |
CEdgeWeight | Weight class for 1d Elements |
CExtrema | An interface class that computes the maximum/minimum of a function represented as an ElementFormula on an space on hp2D::Quad<Real> only |
CFluxes | Application of this class is to solve local Problems on one Quad |
CFormulaFromWeight | Makes it possible to plot a given Weight |
CGrad | The gradient of the approximated function in a FE space |
CGradLinearForm | Linear form in 2D |
CGridInfo | Class that represents grid information of a given 2d Fem space |
CH1Extension | Continuous extension of a formula on edges, e.g |
ChpAdaptiveSpace | Hp-adaptive space with 2D elements |
ChpAdaptiveSpaceDG | Hp-adaptive FEM space in 2D composed of separate spaces hpAdapativeSpace and may be discontinuous |
ChpAdaptiveSpaceH1 | |
ChpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl | |
ChpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl_H1 | Container class for a 2D hp edge element space with an 2D hp nodal element space |
ChpAdaptiveSpaceL2 | |
►ChpFull | Helper class for building 2D hp-FEM spaces (space pre builder) |
CCause | |
CIdentity | A function class to calculate element matrices for the mass matrix |
CImplicitEquilibratedA0 | |
CInfiniteLaguerreQuad | A 2D FEM element: an infinite quad with basis based on Laguerre functions |
CInfiniteQuad | A 2D FEM element: an infinite quad |
CInfiniteQuadFunctions | Auxiliary functions for infinite quadrilaterals |
CInfiniteQuadGraphics | Handles graphics for 2D hp quadrilateral infinite FEM elements |
CInputEddy2D_E | Helps for reading input parameters for single solving of Eddy2D_E |
CInputEddy2D_H | Helps for reading input parameters for single solving of Eddy2D_H |
CInputMaxwell2D_E | Helps for reading input parameters for single solving of Maxwell2D_E |
CInputMaxwell2D_H | Helps for reading input parameters for single solving of Maxwell2D_H_Base |
CIntegrableQuad | Class holding the quadrature rule and the cell of a quadrilateral element |
CKarniadakisDeriv2 | Part of the multidimensional expansion bases for the shape functions of Karniadakis and Sherwin |
CLaplace | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian |
CLaplaceBase | Base class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian, for both scalar and matrix formulas |
CLaplaceMatrix | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian for matrix formulas |
CLaplacian | The Laplacian of the approximated function in a FE space |
CLinearFormHelper_0 | Helper class for linearforms l(v), where v is a 0-form |
CLinearFormHelper_1 | Helper class for linearforms l(v), where v is a one form |
CLinearFormHelper_2 | Helper class for linearforms l(v), where v is a two form |
CLocalFluxes | |
CMaxwell2D_dissipation | Local contribution to dissipation power loss |
CMaxwell2D_E | Class for calculating Eddy current problem with Maxwell modell in e-formulation |
CMaxwell2D_eField | Electrical field |
CMaxwell2D_H | Class for calculating Eddy current problem with Maxwell modell in h formulation |
CMaxwell2D_H_Base | Base class for calculating Eddy current problem with Maxwell modell in h formulation |
CMaxwell2D_H_DD | Class for calculating Eddy current problem with Maxwell modell in h formulation, with Domain Decomposition |
CMaxwell2D_hField | |
CMaxwellSharedData | Shared data for RotRot and DivDiv |
CNeumannTrace | The Neumann trace of the approximated function in a FE space |
►CNeumannTraceElement | Element on an edge representing the normal derivatives of neighbouring elements, especially their mean or jump |
CmapPart | |
CNTShapeFunction | |
CNeumannTraceSpace | A the NeumannTrace space of a given 2D - Finite Element space |
CNotConnectedIndex | Exception class to express that a connected index wasn't found |
►CNTElement_BA | Element on an edge representing the normal derivative of neighbouring elements, especially their mean or jump |
CShapeFunction | |
CPartial_xx | Double partial derivative in x direction of the approximated function in a FE space |
CPartial_yy | Double partial derivative in y direction of the approximated function in a FE space |
CPlCurl | The vectorial 2D curl of the approximated function in a FE space |
CPlCurlLinearForm | Linear form in 2D |
CPolyEdgeMax | Edge gets maximal polynomial degree of adjacent cells |
CPolyEdgeMin | Edge gets minimum of the polynomial degrees of the adjacent cells |
CPolyEdgeMinNeighMaxChild | First the maximum polynomial degree of both sides of the edge is choosen |
CPolyEdgeRule | Base class for rules for polynomial degrees of edges |
CPostprocess4 | Computes x to the power of 0.4 |
CPostprocess7 | Computes x to the power of 0.7 |
CPostprocess8 | Computes x to the power of 0.8 |
CPostprocess9 | Computes x to the power of 0.9 |
CPostprocessSqrt | Computes to square root of x |
CQuad | A 2D FEM element: a quad |
CQuadEdgeBase | Static class to construct an element hp1D::Element out of an hp2D::Quad |
CQuadEdgeFirst | |
CQuadEdgeJump | |
CQuadEdgeMean | |
CQuadFunctions | Auxiliary functions for quadrilaterals |
CQuadGraphics | Handles graphics for 2D hp quadrilateral FEM elements |
CQuadShapeFunctions | A class for holding the shape functions of nodal elements on quadrilaterials for a particular polynomials degree (ie |
CRecomputeShapefct | |
CRiesz | Linear form in 2D |
CRotRot | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Rot u*Rot v Bilinearform |
CShapeFunction2D | Collecting the data of a 2D shape function in one class |
CShortestDist | A function class for weighted regularization, which returns the square of the shortest distance of a point to the singular vertices |
CSingularSet | Class for handling a set of singular vertices |
CSingularVertex | Class for storing a singular vertex with the coordinates |
CSpace | A 2D hp FEM space with continuous, piecewise polynomial basis functions |
CSpacePreBuilder | Exception class to express that an inquired dof is not valid |
CSumFactorization | Sum factorization for an element matrix |
CTrace | The Dirichlet trace of the approximated function in a FE space |
CTraceDeriv | The tangential derivative of the Dirichlet trace of the approximated function in a FE space |
CTraceSpace | Builds the trace space of an FE space |
CTransmissionWeight | Weight for the 2D transmission problem |
CTransmissionWeightProd | Weight for the 2D transmission problem |
CTrivialWeight | A function class for trivial (constant equal 1.0) weight function |
CValue | The approximated function in a FE space |
►Nhp2Dedge | Hp 2D edge elements for electromagnetics |
CDirichletCoefficients | Class for calculating and holding local coefficients per element which represent the dirichlet boundary condition |
CDirichletIdentity | Linear form in 2D for coping the Dirichlet boundary for Identity bilinearform |
CDirichletRotRot | Linear form in 2D for coping the Dirichlet boundary for RotRot bilinearform |
CEdge | An edge of a 2D FEM edge element quad |
CEdgeIdentity | Bilinear form in 2D, integral over an edge |
CEdgeRiesz | Linear form in 2D |
CGraduv | A function class to calculate element matrices for the bilinear form |
CGraduvBase | Base class to calculate element matrices for the (grad u, v)-bilinearform, for both scalar and matrix formulas |
CGraduvMatrix | A function class to calculate element matrices for the bilinear form |
CIdentity | A function class to calculate element matrices for the mass matrix |
CIdentityBase | Base class to calculate element matrices for the Identity, for both scalar and matrix formulas |
CIdentityMatrix | A function class to calculate element matrices for the mass matrix with a matrix function in between |
CNeumann | Linear form in 2D for the term of Neumann boundary |
CQuad | A 2D FEM edge element: a quad |
CQuadEdgeFunctions | A class for holding the shape functions of edge elements on quadrilaterials for a particular polynomials degree (ie |
CQuadGraphics | Handles graphics for 2D hp FEM edge elements |
CRecomputeShapefct | |
CRiesz | Linear form in 2D |
CRot | The |
CRotRot | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Rot u Rot v-bilinearform (Maxwell equations) |
CRotuv | A function class to calculate element matrices for the bilinear form |
CSpace | A 2D hp FEM space of edge elements with piecewise polynomial basis functions with two components, where the tangential component is continuous Currently, only quadrilaterials and conforming meshes are possible |
CValue | The approximated function in a FE space |
►Nhp3D | 3D hp-FEM for H1-conforming elements |
CAdvection | A function class to calculate element matrices of the bilinear form |
CAPrioriRefinement | Carries out a-priori given refinements |
CArrayElementFormula | Array of formula values on quadrature points |
CArrayHexaWeights | Class to represent the quadrature weights on all quadrature points |
CBilinearFormTwoPartDeriv | A class to calculate the element matrices for partial derivatives |
CBuildDofsBase | Responsible to build the degrees of freedom in a space |
CBuildEdgeDofs | Responsible to build the edge degrees of freedom in a space |
CBuildFaceDofs | Responsible to build the face degrees of freedom in a space |
CBuildFaceDofsHypTrunk | Responsible to build the inner degrees of freedom in a (trunk) space |
CBuildFaceDofsLinTrunk | Responsible to build the face degrees of freedom in a (trunk) space |
CBuildInnerDofs | Responsible to build the inner degrees of freedom in a space |
CBuildInnerDofsHypTrunk | Responsible to build the inner degrees of freedom in a (trunk) space |
CBuildInnerDofsLinTrunk | Responsible to build the inner degrees of freedom in a (trunk) space |
CBuildVertexDofs | Responsible to build the vertex degrees of freedom in a space |
CDaugeWeight | Weight implemented by Monique Dauge in Melina |
CDistancePost | A function class for weighted regularization |
CDivDiv | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Div u*Div v Bilinearform |
CElement | Abstract class for a 3D FEM element |
CElementFormulaVectorOnTrace | Class for evaluation of solutions on the TraceSpace with an ElementFunction that is only given on the whole space |
CFormulaFromWeight | Makes it possible to plot a given Weight |
CGrad | The gradient of an approximated function in a FE space |
CHexahedron | A 3D FEM element: a hexahedron |
CHexahedronFaceBase | Class to construct an quadrilateral element out of an hexahedron |
CHexahedronFaceFirst | |
CHexahedronGraphics | Handles graphics for hexahedral 3D hp FEM elements |
CHexFunctions | Auxiliary functions for hexahedra |
CHook | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Bilinearform of linear Elasticity |
CIdentity | A function class to calculate element matrices for the mass matrix |
CLaplace | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian |
CLaplacian | The Laplacian of an approximated function in a FE space |
CLinearElasticity | A class to calculate the element matrices for problems of linear elasticity in 3D |
CLinearFormHelper_1 | Helper class for linearforms l(v), where v is a one form |
CMaxwellSharedData | Shared data for RotRot and DivDiv |
►CNeumannTraceElement3d | Element on an edge representing the normal derivatives of neighbouring elements, especially their mean or jump |
CmapPart | |
CNeumannTraceSpace3d | A the NeumannTrace space of a given 3D - Finite Element space |
CPostprocess14 | Computes x to the power of 1/4 |
CPostprocess3 | Computes x to the power of 3 |
CPostprocess34 | Computes x to the power of 3/4 |
CPostprocess4 | Computes x to the power of 4 |
CPostprocessRoot | Returns the square root of x |
CPostprocessRoot4 | Returns the forth root of x |
CPostprocessSquare | Squares the given x |
CProductOfAll | Computes the product of all distances in the singular set singularities |
CRefineOrRaise | Refines element or raises its polynomial degree |
CRiesz | Linear form in 3D |
CRotRot | A function class to calculate element matrices for the Rot u*Rot v Bilinearform |
CShapeFunction3D | Collecting the data of a 3D shape function in one class |
CShortestDist | A function class for weighted regularization, which returns the square of the shortest distance of a point to the singular edges and vertices |
CShortestDistLimited | A function class for weighted regularization, which returns the minimum of a value and the square of the shortest distance of a point to the singular edges and vertices |
CSingularEdge | Class for storing a singular edge with coordinates of its corners |
CSingularSet | Class for handling a set of singular edges and vertices |
CSingularVertex | Class for storing a singular vertex with the coordinates |
CSpace | A 3D hp FEM space with continuous, picewise polynomial basis functions |
CSpaceTransition | Maps a solution vector from one space to another |
CSumFactorization | Sum factorization for an element matrix |
CTraceSpace | Builds the trace space of a FE space consisting of hexahedral elements |
CTransitionPair | Element pair for the SpaceTransition |
CTrivialWeight | A function class for trivial (constant equal 1.0) weight function |
CValue | The approximated function in a FE space |
CZeroTangentialValue | Sets the outer product of the coefficients and the normal vector to zero in every node on an edge with chosen attribute |
►NlinDG1D | DG FEM for 1D problems using piecewise linear shape functions |
CBoundaryInt | Boundary integral for the DG FEM in 1D |
CBoundaryIntStab | Stabilizing boundary integral for the DG FEM in 1D |
CDGElementPair | Element pair for DG FEM |
►CLinear1d | Space for linear DG FEM in 1D |
CTwoElements | Data structure used for temporary data to generate DGElementPair |
►NlinDG2D | DG FEM for 2D problems using piecewise linear shape functions |
CEdgeInfo | Edge information for DG FEM |
CElementPair | Element pair for DG FEM in 2D |
CElementPairList | Element pair list for two DG spaces |
CIdentityBf | Volume integral for the identity in DG FEM in 2D |
CLaplaceFluxBf | Edge fluxes for the Laplacian in DG FEM in 2D |
CLaplaceStabBf | Stabilizing edge integral for the Laplacian in DG FEM in 2D |
CLaplaceTimeLf | DG right hand side for time dependent problems with diffusion in 2D |
CLaplaceVolBf | Volume integral for the Laplacian in DG FEM in 2D |
►CMeshInfo | Mesh info about edges for DG FEM in 2D |
CS | Scanner class for MeshInfo |
CScalarProductLf | Pure L2 scalar product linear form for DG in 2D |
►CSpace | Abstract base class of spaces for DG FEM in 2D on triangles |
CS | Scanner class for Space |
CSpaceP0 | Space for piecewise constant DG FEM in 2D on triangles |
CSpaceP1 | Space for linear DG FEM in 2D on triangles |
CTriangle | Abstract base class for triangular elements in 2D DGFEM |
CTriangleGraphics | Handles graphics for triangular DGFEM elements in 2D |
CTriangleP0 | Triangular element with constant shape function in 2D |
CTriangleP1 | Triangular element with orthogonal linear shape functions in 2D |
►NlinDG3D | DG-FEM methods to solve elliptic and hyperbolic PDE's |
CAssembly | Provides methods to assemby matrices by lists of FvdgElementPairs |
CConstRhs | TimeLinearForm for constant right hand side |
CFvdgBilinearForm | Bilinear Form for FV/DG purpose |
CFvdgElement | Generic tetrahedral element for FV/DG method |
CFvdgElementPair | Stores additional information about two adjacent elements, namely the index, area, diameter and normal of shared interface |
CFvdgP0TetElem | Tetrahedral element with constant shapefunction |
CFvdgP0TetGraphics | Handles graphics for FvdgP0TetElem |
CFvdgP1TetElem | Tetrahedral element with linear shapefunctions |
CFvdgP1TetGraphics | Handles graphics for FvdgP1TetElem |
CFvdgSpace | Generic space of tetrahedral elements for FV/DGFE method |
CFvdgSpaceP0 | Space of piecewise constant functions on tetrahedrons |
CFvdgSpaceP1 | Space of piecewise linear functions on tetrahedrons |
CFvdgTimeRhs | Fvdg right hand side for time dependent problems |
CFvdgTimeRhsDiff | Fvdg right hand side for time dependent problems with diffusion |
CIdentity | Identity bilinear form |
CLaplaceBoundaryBF | Laplace bilinear form |
CLaplaceInnerBF | Laplace bilinear form |
CLaplaceVolBF | Laplace bilinear form |
CPenaltyBF | Penalty bilinear form |
►NlinearFEM | Linear FEM in 1D, 2D and 3D |
CCIdentity1d | Discrete equivalent for a reaction term in 1D for linear FEM |
CElement | Base class for the element for linear FEM |
CIdentity1d | Discrete equivalent for a reaction term in 1D for linear FEM |
CIdentity2d | Discrete equivalent for a reaction term in 2D for linear FEM |
CLaplace1d | Discrete equivalent of the Laplacian in 1D for linear FEM |
CLaplace2d | Discrete equivalent of the Laplacian in 2D for linear FEM |
CLine | Line element with linear shape function in 1D |
CLinear1d | Space for linear FEM in 1D |
CLinear2d | Space for linear triangular and bilinear quadrilateral FEM in 2D |
CLinear3d | Space for linear FEM in 3D using tetrahedra |
CLineGraphics | Handles graphics for linear finite elements in 1D |
CQuad | Quadrilateral element with bilinear shape functions in 2D |
CQuadGraphics | Handles graphics for bilinear quadrilateral FEM elements in 2D |
CRiesz1d | Linear form form 1D linear FEM |
CRiesz2d | Linear form form 2D linear FEM |
CTetrahedron | Tetrehedral element with linear shape functions in 2D |
CTetrahedronGraphics | Handles graphics for linear finite elements in 3D: tetrahedra |
CTriangle | Triangular element with linear shape functions in 2D |
CTriangleGraphics | Handles graphics for linear triangles FEM elements in 2D |
►Nmechanics | |
CStress3D | Element function for the stress in 3D |
►Nsparseqr | SparseQR solver |
CDriver | Driver class for sparse QR decomposition |
CFill | |
CGivensRotations | Given's Rotations |
CJ | Given's rotations |
CMinDegree | |
CPacked | Row of a sparse matrix |
CQmatrix | Q matrix of the QR factorization |
CQR | QR factorization |
CSmatrix | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< concepts::Index > | Hash function class |
Chash< concepts::Orders< number > > | |
CIndexEqual | Key equal function class |
Cless< concepts::Cell * > | Specialisation of STL class less<F> for pointers to cells |
Cless< concepts::Cell1 * > | |
Cless< concepts::Cell2 * > | |
Cless< concepts::Cell3 * > | |
COrdersEqual | Key equal function class |
►Ntest | Unit tests |
CArPackppTest | Test class for the ArPackpp, EasyArPackpp classes and their wrappers |
CArPackTest | |
CBEMSpaceTest | Tests BEM spaces |
CBesselTest | Test for Bessel functions |
CBiCgStabTest | Test the iterative solver BiCGStab |
CBilinearFormTest | Tests the bilinear forms |
CBoundariesTest | Tests the Dirichlet boundaries |
CCellConditionTest | Test cell conditions for FE space hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1 |
CCgTest | Test the iterative solver CG |
CCloneing | Test cloneing of vector valued blinear forms |
CCompositionsTest | Testing linear combination and multiplication of sparse matrices and the implementation of the evaluation into a sparse matrix |
CCompositionTestBase | |
CConstrainedEVP | Base class for constrained Eigenvalue problem testcases |
CContainer | |
CConvertMeshQuads | Tests conversion of triangular into quadrilateral meshes |
CDeadLock1 | Testing work around geometric deadlock problem |
CDeadLock2 | Testing work around geometric deadlock problem |
CDeadLock3 | Testing work around geometric deadlock problem |
CDeepCompositionsTest | Tests deeply nested compositions resulting from constrained Eigenvalue problems |
CDGEdgeInfoTest | Testing linDG2D::EdgeInfo |
CDGElementPair2dTest | Testing linDG2D::ElementPair |
CDGSpace2dP1Test | Testing linDG2D::SpaceP1 |
CDGTriangleP1Test | Testing linDG2D::TriangleP1 |
CDirichletTest | Test the dirichlet boundary condition with an extension operator in the class hp2D::H1Extension |
CDirPowItTest | |
CDomainDecomp | Tests the solving with domain decomposition |
CDomainDecompTest | Test the space DomainDecomp |
CDriverTest | Tests the integration of the sparseqr package into Concepts |
CEddy2DRingTest | |
CEdgeMeshTest | Tests for generating functions of edge meshes |
CEdgeTest | Test the FE hp2D::Edge |
CElementFormulaTest | Test for element formulas |
CElementFunctionTest | Test the element functions |
CExceptionTest | Testing some exceptions |
CExtremaTest | |
CFormula2DTest | Test the Formulas in namespace hp2D |
CFormulaTest | Test for element formulas |
CFrmfElmFrmTest | Tests for generating functions of edge meshes |
CFunctionEvaluation | Tests the evaluation of functions like hp2D::Value |
CFunctionEvaluation3d | Tests the evaluation of functions like hp3D::Value or hp3D::Grad |
CGolubExample | Test solver for constrained Eigenvalue problems |
CGolubExampleSum | Test solver for constrained Eigenvalue problems |
CGridInfoTest | Test the FE space hp2D::NeumannTraceSpace and hp2D::NeumannTraceElement |
CH1extensionTest | Test the H1 extensionoperator of the class hp2D::H1Extension |
Chp2DedgeAdvectionTest | |
ChpAdaptiveSpaceDGTest | Tests the space hpAdaptiveSpaceDG |
ChpFullTest2D | Tests distribution of dof and polynomial degrees for mesh of quads with hanging nodes |
CIndexRangeTest | Test the element functions |
CInfiniteMesh2dTest | Tests 2D mesh with infinite cells |
CIntegralTest | Tests the integrals |
CKarniadakisTest | Testing concepts::Karniadakis |
CLaguerreTest | Tests of Laguerre polynomials and relative basis |
CLapackTest | Testsuite for solvers based on Lapack.a |
CLegendreTest | Tests for (orthonomalized) Legendre polynomials |
CLevelRieszTest | |
CLinearFormTest | Tests the linear forms |
CMappingTest | Testing concepts::Mapping |
CMatfileIOTest | Test for class MatfileIO |
CMaxwellTransmissionEVP | Test case from Maxwell transmission problem with weighted regularization |
CMeshImp2DTest | |
CMixedNonContTest | Test problems with discontinuity over an interface with Lagrange multipliers for the mean of the normal derivative |
CMoreCompositionsTest | Performs more tests on compositions |
CMumpsTest | Test the direct solver Mumps |
CmumpsTestFail | Test the direct solver Mumps (failure case) |
CNeumannTraceTest | Test the FE space hp2D::NeumannTraceSpace and hp2D::NeumannTraceElement |
CPardisoTest | Test the direct solver Pardiso |
CPointTest | Testing concepts::Point |
CProjectionTest | Tests the projections from one space to another |
CQuad2dTest | Tests the projections from one space to another |
CQuadratureTest | Testing concepts::Quadrature and children of concepts::QuadratureRule |
CRCPTest | Test for reference-counting pointers |
CResetConnector0 | Classes which allow for testing purpose (!) to reset internal counter of each connector type |
CResetConnector1 | |
CResetConnector2 | |
CResetConnector3 | |
CRestrictionSpaceTest | Test the restriction space |
CSmallESTest | |
CSpaceH1onInfMeshTest | Tests 2D mesh with infinite cells |
CSpaceH1Test | Tests the H1 space hpAdaptiveSpaceH1 |
CSpaceL2Test | Tests the L2 space hpAdaptiveSpaceL2 |
CSpaceTest2D | Tests building and copying hp2D::Space |
CSpaceTest3D | Testing degree of freedom computation |
CSparseMatrixTest | Test sparse matrix class SparseMatrix |
CStackTest | Testing the output of the stacktrace |
CSuperLUTest | Test the direct solver SuperLU |
CTestBlending | Tests the functionality of blending in quads |
CTestCase | Base class for tests |
CTestDiameter | Tests the functionality of CellDiameter |
CTestDualSpace1D | |
CTestEdgeMaps2D | Tests the functionality of the 2D edge maps |
CTestIntegrals1D | |
CTestJacobian2D | Tests the Jacobian for anisotropic and isotropic refinements of quadrilaterals in two dimensions |
CTestLegendre1D | |
CTestLinearForm1D | |
CTestMatrices1D | Mass and stiffness matrices |
CTestMatrices2D | Mass and stiffness matrices |
CTestMatrices3D | Mass and stiffness matrices |
CTestSuite | Suite of tests |
CTestSuiteError | Exception for TestSuite |
CToTest | Simple test case to test TestCase |
CTraceSpaceTest3D | Tests for the space hp3D::TraceSpace |
CTraceTest | Test the FE space hp2D::Trace |
CUmfpackTest | Test the direct solver Umfpack |
CVectorTest | Test Vector |
►Ntimestepping | Timestepping methods used to solve PDEs in time and space |
CAlpha | Timestep strategy for the Alpha algorithm of Hilber, Hughes and Taylor to solve second order problems in time with no first order time derivative |
CEuler | Timestep strategy for the explicit Euler algorithm to solve first order problems in time |
CLimitingEuler | Timestep strategy for the explicit Euler algorithm with limiter to solve first order problems in time |
CLimitingTvdRK2 | Timestep stategy for an explicit two stage TVD Runge Kutta scheme to solve problems in time |
CNewmark | Timestep strategy for the Newmark algorithm to solve second order problems in time with no first order time derivative |
CNystroem | Timestep strategy for a Nyström algorithm to solve second order problems in time with no first order time derivative |
CRungeKutta2 | Timestep strategy for the explicit 2nd order RungeKutta algorithm to solve first order problems in time |
CRungeKutta4 | Timestep strategy for the explicit 4th order RungeKutta algorithm to solve first order problems in time |
CTheta | Timestep strategy for the Theta-Scheme algorithm for first order problems in time |
CTimeLinearForm | Abstract class implementing time dependent linear forms |
CTimeStepping | This class encapsulates a general timestep solver concept to solve linear PDE in time and space |
CTimeStepStrategy | Abstract strategy class for the class Timestepping |
CTimeVector | Class implementing time dependent vectors |
CTvdRK2 | Timestep stategy for an explicit two stage TVD Runge Kutta scheme to solve problems in time |
►Nvectorial | Vector valued problems |
CBilinearForm | Vector valued bilinear form |
CBlockOperator | Operator defined by 4 operators arranged in 2x2 blocks: |
CBramblePasciak | Bramble-Pasciak preconditioned solver for generalized saddle point problems |
CBramblePasciakFabric | Fabric class for BramblePasciak |
CCGUzawa | Uzawa algorithm with conjugate directions for generalized saddle point problems |
CCGUzawaFabric | Fabric class for CGUzawa |
CElement | Vector valued element |
CElementBase | Base class for vector valued element |
CElementFunction | Vector valued element function |
CElementFunctionAllComponents | Vectorial element function with the same scalar element function on each component |
CElementFunctionComponent | Element function for selecting one scalar component of the vectorial solution |
CElementNotBuilt | Indicates that the vectorial element is not yet built, there is no (scalar) element inside yet |
CElementPair | Vector valued element pair |
CElementPairListIdentic | Element pair list for two vectorial spaces V1 and V2 |
CElementWithCell | Vector valued element with a cell |
CGraphics | Handles graphics for vector valued elements |
CLinearForm | Vector valued linear form |
CLinearFormHelper | Helper class for building a linear form in vectorial |
CSpace | Vector valued space |
CSpaceBase | Base class for vector valued space |
CSpaceOnCells | Vector valued space with elements on cells |
CSymmetrizeTensor | Element function for the symmetrized gradient of a vector valued function |
CTimeLinearForm | Vector valued time dependent linear form |
CTMatrix | Vector valued T matrix |
CTMatrixOffset | T matrix with an offset |
CVectorial | Base class for most classes which do vector valued problems |
CVectorialElementType | |
CVectorialElementType< concepts::Element< F > > | |
CVectorialElementType< concepts::ElementWithCell< F > > | |
CVectorizable | Interface to make bilinear forms vectorizable |
►CCube | in one hexahedron |
CS | |
►CCube2 | [0,1]3 in two hexahedra |
CS | |
►CCube3 | in two hexahedra |
CS | |
Cfunction | |
CResourceTimer | More precise timer |